understand the hard work of a mother

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

mother keeps the greatest service on us, giving birth, breastfeeding, holding, and sacrificing rest for her child.



a sentence of us as a child, have we taken care of mother when she was sick? what's our attention?



the sacrifice of a mother so heavy, never did we wipe her tears? mother ... a sparkling pearl even in the mud, a service that can never afford to be paid by anything.love mother to child will never fade, and on the contrary child always leave mother just like that

tears that I can not replace when he is sad, money can be in search but mother .... things that can not be measured ... with anything ... do not ever make her cry ....

his happiness .... is a treasure that is priceless to me ... the mother is so special....

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I ♥ my mom. :)