Have you ever come across a flower that blooms during the night?

in esteem •  7 years ago 

"Queen of the night"


A flower from a cactus family that blooms only during the night and sheds before dawn?
I had always heard about such flowers but I had never seen one before. So a few months back we decided to plant one in our terrace garden.

We patiently waited until it bloomed last night. Here are a few pics we took during the night.





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I had the cactus flower in bloom but what you present seems a little scary, probably because are macro photos?

Nope! It actually looks scary from behind. The seaples look like an octopus with a lot more tentacles lol

Yeah, it's like an octopus, you're right!

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Wonderful. this is the first time I'm hearing about this secret guy. beautiful effort and beautiful share. thank you somuch.thum up small.png

They are freaking beautiful, they work in such beautiful ways. A good Google search told me that We know so less about this specie

Patience paid off by waiting for that plant to bloom. Enjoy that flower while you are in full splendor of its beauty.
Greetings from Venezuela.

I did indeed. I actually slept under it lol

I had evening primrose in my garden..and they used to bloom at night.. Beautiful pinks and white..

Posted using Partiko Android

Waw what a beautiful name for it. I have never seen on! Do you have some pictures with you from your garden?

I guess this plant is "Raat ki rani"?
I've not personally seen it but have seen some other photos and it looks amaaazing!

Yup its commonly known as bhrama kamal or bhrama kamala in india