Recently discovered a new species of dinosaur king before the T Rex in North America, Siats Meekerorum. This species is thought to be the largest three ever found in North America as carnivore animals, they live and compete with the tiny Tyrannosaurus rex species that lived about 98 million years ago.
Previously, T.Rex's alleged dinosaur king may often be seen in films, where tyrannosaurus is aggressive and almost all his fugitive run away. But before T.Rex dominated the dinosaur predator's peak, there was another predator that dominated it in which both of these societies competed with each other to maintain life. In the era of Siats Meekerorum, T.Rex was not a king because he was an early physique which would later lead a predatory peak after 30 million years later.
Siats Meekerorum is the foremost predator of Tyrannosaurus Rex (T.Rex) for millions of years. This animal is a Carcharodontosaur species, a group of meat-eating monster that includes some of the largest predator dinosaurs ever discovered. The only other Carcharodontosaurs known to come from the North American region are Acrocanthosaurus, this species is roaming more than 10 million years in North America.
#Siats Meekerorum, King of Dinosaurs
Siats Meekerorum is the second species found after Acrocanthosaurus was found in 1950 in the North American region. Lindsay Zanno, a Palentologist at North Carolina State University, discovered the Siats partial bones or skeletons on the hillside of Cedar Mountain Utah in 2008. Meeker's name was taken with the support of early palentologists from the Field Museum, including Zanno.
The dinosaur king Specimens of the found Siats Meekerorum may be more than 30 meters in size and weigh at least 4 tons. Although the size is quite gigantic, bones have been found to be classified as teenagers. Zanno and Makovicky argue that adult Siats Meekerorum will probably reach Acrocanthosaurus size. That is, both these species compete live because they are the second largest predator ever found in North America. While Tyrannosaurus occupies the first position is estimated to have weights twice their size, and appeared 30 million years later.
Siats Meekerorum is a sub group of Neovenatorids, this species is more slender. While Neovenatorids are found in Europe, South America, China, Japan and Australia. But Siats Meekerorum is the first subgroup of Neovenatorids to be found in North America. According to the researchers, Siats Meekerorum has filled the gap of more than 30 years in the fossil record, during which time the top predators changed hands from Carcharodontosaurus until finally residing on Tyrannosaurus living in the Late Cretaceous era.
By the time Siats Meekerorum leads the top food chain as King of the dinosaurs, it is thought the land in this region is fertile with abundant vegetation, and water supports various plants for dinosaur food, turtles, crocodiles, and giant Lungfish fish ever lived with him. Other predators are also inhabited in this ecosystem including early Tyrannosaurus and several other feathered dinosaur species that have not been explained by the research team.
The lack of fossil findings of Siats Meekerorum makes the research team confident about the changes taking place, and if Tyrannosaurus was only able to hold the role of a top predator after the extinction of Carcharodontosaurus. Species research The dinosaur king Siats Meekerorum is funded by North Carolina State University, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and the Field Museum.