What is the typical food of your country?

in esteem •  7 years ago 


One of the things that I love about my country is food. It's really delicious! One of the best known foods is the Creole Pavilion. Consisting of beans, white rice, fried plantain and roasted meat. Some people add fried egg or avocado.

Something really characteristic of the beans here call then caraotas is that we prepare them sweets. Although some people do not like it that way, in addition to this delicious dish are cachapas, hallacas, empanadas and arepas. All are preparations have in common that the main ingredient is corn. And in your country what are the typical dishes. Tell me about them and leave a picture in the comments. One of the phrases I hear the most and it is certain that food moves the world.

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Because the US is so big and has so many different people with so many different food traditions, their are many different foods here. Where I live in Wisconsin there were many Swiss and German settlers, so this area is known for cheese and sausages- particularly bratwurst. We cook them at home on the outdoor grill during the summer and they are a favorite at sporting events and festivals.


That looks really delicious. I would like one