be kind to both parents.

in esteem •  6 years ago 

It is no stranger to us that the most familiar relationship is the relationship between the child and his parents.

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Therefore, the Prophet said "a child who is devoted to his parents will be rewarded multiple times, like a man who bought a slave, then he freed him"

Tidak asing bagi kita bahwa hubungan yang paling akrab adalah hubungan antara anak dan orang tuanya.

Oleh sebab itu Rasulullah pernah bersabda " anak yang berbakti kepada orang tuanya maka akan di beri pahala berlipat ganda, seperti seorang membeli hamba sahaya, lalu ia memerdekakan nya "
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In one narration it is narrated: That Allah said to the Prophet Moses "O Moses! Indeed, whosoever is devoted to his parents and he is rebellious to Me then I write him a dedicated person.
Whosoever disobeyeth his parents and is devoted unto me, I write him a man of disobedience.

Di dalam satu riwayat di kisahkan : Bahwa Allah berfirman kepada Nabi Musa "Hai Musa! Sesungguhnya barang siapa berbakti kepada Orangtuanya dan ia durhaka kepada Ku maka aku menulisnya orang yang berbakti.
Barang siapa durhaka kepda Orangtuanya dan berbakti kepada ku maka aku tulis dia orang yang durhaka.

This story is a reflection for us, that parents are everything, cannot be hurt, cannot disappoint him, we must serve him.
Kisah ini menjadi bahan renungan bagu kita, bahwa orangtua adalah segalanya, tidak boleh di sakiti, tidak boleh mengecewakan dia, kita wajib berbakti kepada nya.

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