1) West Sumatra
kuau King bird kuau King or kuau large giant with a hundred eyes. you know ?. bird kuau King in addition to very large also have a fur-patterned roundabout-roundabout resembles eyes brightly colored and speckled grayish, especially when the fur tail is developed. that's why Carolus Linnaeus then give scientific name argusianus Argus to bird kuau King. Argus own a figure of giant eyed hundred in Greek mythology. bird kuau large (kuau King) set to be fauna the identity of Sumatra West assist tree andalas (morus macroura) defined as the Flora identity. Unfortunately bird large and hairy this beautiful including one of bird of rare in Indonesia although the IUCN redlist 'only' put it in a category near threatened. bird kuau King or kuau large have Latin name argusianus Argus this in English known as great Argus. while in the local language, birds in Indonesia inhabit the Island of Sumatra and Kalimantan this also known as kuau also often called 'Kuang'. description of physical and behavior. bird kuau King (argusianus Argus) large. bird male adult can have a long-up to 2 meters (head to tail), while the bird kuau of females just around 75 late centimeters with tail and fur wing shorter. weight able to reach 10 kg more. in addition to circle-month resembles the eye on the fur, characteristic of other birds this is the presence of two piece of tail feathers length of up to 1 meter. fur body kuau King colored basic brownish with the roundabout-roundabout brightly colored and speckled grayish. skin around the head and neck bird male usually not covered with fur and bluish. on the back of the head of bird females there fur jambul soft. half of pale yellow and about hole nose blackish color. Iris eye Red. colors toe redness and do not have Spurs. sound bird kuau the King's very hard so as to hear from a distance of more than a mile. tweet this bird reads "my-Wau". maybe because it was then this bird get name 'kuau'. kuau King live in the ground. although bird mascot West Sumatra mini can fly a short distance, but their ability to run a very good. in addition, bird kuau King have a sense of smell and hearing very sharp this makes it difficult arrested. nidificate surface soil. and the food is composed of fruits fall, grains, snails, ants and various types of insects. one of the unique is time before the wedding. as Peacock, kuau male will showcase dance in front of kuau female the developing fur Wings and tail. tail feathers inflate like fan with two tail feathers longest upright towering in the middle of 'fan Giants' it. slowly 'fan Giants' the drawn to the front so that the body, the head and legs hidden behind the fur. then fan it digetarkan giving rise sound rustling. distribution, habitat, and conservation. bird kuau King or kuau large (argusianus Argus) life spread in Indonesia (Sumatra and Kalimantan), Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. habitat likes is the primary Forest in low-lying to a height of 1.500 meters above sea level. although in conservation status issued by the IUCN redlist, bird kuau large 'only considered' near threatened (almost endangered) but in Indonesia bird this giant start rare. bird kuau King also registered as cites Appendix II. and in Indonesia, in addition to set as mascot (fauna identity) Sumatra West, bird kuau King was including bird is protected by regulation No. 7 1999. threat to the preservation of bird is mainly caused by the destruction of habitat from deforestation, Forest fire, and over the function of the Forest. in addition hunting conducted to get meat and fur or MERCHANTABILITY take a threat to the giant of the hundred eye.
2) Riau
serindit bird serindit Malay or loriculus galgulus a bird typically Riau. bird serindit Malay set as animal typical, mascot, or fauna the identity of the province of Riau accompany nibung defined as the Flora identity Riau province. scientific name animals small in size of the family psittacidae this is loriculus galgulus (Linnaeus, 1758) is one among teens species member of the genus loriculus (serindit). in English known as the Blue-crowned hanging parrot. while in Indonesia has some local name like entlit and talisok (Dayak), lissak (Sumatra), tripas kelit (Malay). the determination of birds serindit Malay as a bird typically or fauna identity Riau not regardless of the culture Riau related to this bird. in addition to be a bird pet favorite, bird serindit Malay has been known in a variety of folklore and be a symbol of wisdom, wisdom, beauty, courage, loyalty, humility society Riau bird serindit Malay a bird beaked twisted small sized and the only one member of the genus loriculus (serindit) inhabiting the Island of Sumatra and Kalimantan. length of the body only about 12cm and weight 28 grams. fur on the body and wing Green young and old with tunggir and tail Red. on the Crown there spotting Blue while at around coat there spotting Golden. half of black, Brown eyes dark, Iris Brown, and the foot of Orange or Brown. bird female similar to the bird male's just that color fur more dull and there is no Red spots on his throat. bird typically Riau province this life in groups, often seen fly and sit in a small group. some of the uniqueness of behavior bird named Latin loriculus galgulus this is a habit of active climb up and running in twigs tree than the fly. in addition, bird serindit look often rely body down when rest. food this bird consists of Green vegetables, fruits, millet and various types of small insects. sound tweet this bird a whistle pitched a very high "dzi". bird serindit Malay a bird original Indonesia with regional distribution covers the entire Island of Sumatra, Borneo, and small Islands around it, as well as in the West end of Java (Banten). in addition in Indonesia spread also Malay Peninsula (Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand) as well as in Sabah, Sarawak, and Brunei Darussalam. population bird serindit Malay (loriculus galgulus) global unknown with sure, but BirdLife estimate more 10,000 tail adult population trend stable. although not included bird protected in Indonesia, bird serindit Malay (loriculus galgulus) registered Red list (Red list) IUCN with a conservation status least concern.
while cites mendaftarnya in Appendix II which means trade must through a watchful eye Papua - bird of Paradise bird of Paradise worth dubbed as a bird of Paradise (bird of Paradise). bird of Paradise which is a bird typically Papua, especially the male, have feathers beautiful like Angel that down from heaven (heaven). the beauty of fur cendrawasih no second to none. bird of Paradise is a set of bird species grouped in the family paradisaeidae. bird that there are only in the Eastern part of Indonesia, PNG, and Australian Eastern consists on 14 genera and and about 43 species of. 30s species of them can be found in Indonesia. community Papua, bird of Paradise believed as bead Angel of heaven. once a bird is considered a bird beautiful but not legged. they will not turung to the ground but only be in the air just because the feathers beautiful. therefore, then bird cenderawasih well-known as the bird of Paradise or bird of Paradise (heaven). and some type of the famous is of the genus paradisaea that penamaannya derived from the word Paradise. description and characteristics of Paradise. birds of Paradise have a typical fur beautiful owned by bird male. generally fur brightly colored with a combination of some color black, Brown, Red, Orange, yellow, White, Blue, Green and purple. size bird cenderawasih diverse. ranging from size 15 centimeters weighing 50 grams of such as on the type of Paradise King (cicinnurus regius), up to the size of 110 centimeters cendrawasih half of sickle black (epimachus albertisi) or the severity of reach 430 grams as in Paradise manukod jambul-roll (manucodia comrii). the beauty of fur cendrawasih male used to attract the attention of the opposite sex. for the 'seduce' females in order willing invited to marry, birds male will showcase fur by doing dances beautiful. singing on a limb, stud sway with a variety of movement to the variety of direction. sometimes to rely inverted relies on a limb. However, each species of Paradise of course has type dance of its own.