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Great news for steemit Members. Steemit now become a place of learning. We can learn about society, Religion, Heath, Science & Technology, educational & Entertaining news around the world. I think eSteem University will be a great source of knowledge. Thank you @good-karma :)

This is such a great initiative! Kudos man!

come here @cicisaja, you gonna need this to grow your account and teach me later about this after your graduation.

Aye aye captain! Will do my best...

Am interested in this

#thank@good karma for this educative post

This is a truly forward thinking, super valuable in utility proposition! I love it!!!! This is what true crypto and communities are supposed to be all about! I'll definitely look into it and brainstorm some ideas :) Way to go @good-karma! Mad respect for this community of eSteemians, you guys don't sleep on the future.

looking forward to the great ideas and possibly #esteem-university-korea soon ;)

Stop reading my mind :P

this is very interesting @good-karma. I have also been working on bring education to the block. You might like to have a read of this

Maybe we can work together on this some how ???

Great going @paulag! Our eSteem university aims to do something similar - we aim to cover a variety of topics whilst encouraging, enabling and empowering teachers/students on the steem blockchain.
Do join and discuss with us in #esteem-university channel of eSteem discord.

Great initiative for eSteem! Count me in!
It's a great thing to do and share to others all about Steem like what I'm doing right now in Thailand for my students (eSteem Education).
Always here to support! 🤙

congratulations on the eSteem, for the launch of the eSteem university project and hopefully we can help more experts to become professional content creators. Good job dude @good-karma

eSteem University This will be more perfect for the future of the steemian, they will start it in an educated way.

@good-karma, am interested. I'll love to be a tutor and a student as well

join us on eSteem discord and share your ideas in the esteem-university channel!

This is a very great idea, infact i can already imagine how big this will later become. Its started already and i hope to be part of the great teacher who will forever be remembered in esteem...

I have been using esteem ever since i joined steemit and i can boast of knowing almost everything, if not all about esteem apps (Mobile/PC Surfer) and couple of things in the crypto world. I'll be glad to be a part in this.

Nice innovation with a wide goal.

What a wonderful initiative for all of us! Simply brilliant. You guys are the best!

A new breakthrough is full of lessons in learning for everyone, where through #eSteem-University this will provide better value for all Steemian and eSteemian, especially in this case providing learning to beginners in today's Steemit Platform.

So everyone's expectation to get better in this Platform-steemit can be achieved with a good understanding too. Hopefully more people joining in it will bring positive things in improving the Steem ecosystem today, which ultimately finds SMT For the whole community will be a very fun and full of happiness.

Warm greetings and Love for you @good-karma

Eng.( Bahasa )

Sebuah terobosan baru yang penuh dengan pendidikan dalam konteks orang-orang, dimana melalui #eSteem-Universitas ini akan memberikan nilai yang lebih baik untuk semua dan juga eSteemian, terutama dalam hal ini untuk memberikan para pemula dalam Platform-steemit hari ini.

Semua orang untuk menjadi lebih baik dalam Platform-steemit ini bisa dicapai dengan pemahaman yang baik pula. Semoga semakin banyak orang yang bersuka dalam hal ini akan mendorong hal-hal positif dalam meningkatkan ekosistem. Steem hari ini, dimana pada akhirnya, SMT Bagi seluruh masyarakat akan menjadi hal yang sangat menyenangkan dan penuh dengan kebahagiaan.

Salam hangat dan Cinta kasih untuk anda @good-karma

I like you because your important information is for me to think about a importance. I post your software every day and I will follow you, hope you will help us with important information.thank you sir!

Great idea to spread knowledge about steem.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Tujuan dan program yang bagus @good-karma!, sangat menyenangkan jika kami memiliki guru atau University tempat kami bisa belajar tentang eSteem dan penggunaan yang cerdas dan bermanfaat di eSteem, dan di channel youtube eSteem dengan vidio-vidio terbaru tentang penggunaan eSteem eSteem-surfer itu bagi saya juga sangat membantu.

Sumber: youtube eSteem.

Program esteem yang sangat bermanfaat,saya selalu mendukung program tersebut,saya akan selalu setia menggunakan tag esteem,sukses selalu tuan @good-karma

I am a teacher feeling very happy with the new project esteem. this is my hope as a user of app esteemapp. apparently God has granted my prayer. Thanks @good-karma, you have opened up new opportunities for educators to share with each other. I am sure, this new project will be a superior project. This breakthrough will invite scholars, education customers, smart people, and lecturers to participate in contributing to education.

good programs @good-karma, esteem will grow as more knowledge we get through eSteem University. let's support this wonderful program. congratulations on the start of eSteem University, good luck.

Posted using Partiko Android

This project is awesome !

A very useful program, with the establishment of the learning class, the steemit user in particular the esteem will further develop according to his or her talents and interests, and there will be teachers who volunteer to share their knowledge, you are incredible @ good-karma, we from Indonesia have started with classroom learning EFA (esteem for All) learns and grows with exceptional teachers, and of course it's because of your support

great work. keep it up @good-karma

Congratulation to eSteem university opening

Ide yang sangat bagus itu tua @good-karma terima kasih

What is esteem guys?
Can someone explain me!

Saya sangat mendukung ide tuan @good-karma, ide yang sangat bagus

This is ....nice!
It will be helpful to we newbies in the crypto world. Giving people the ability to learn, to teach and doing so in a community of intellectuals, any other good thing aside?

Time to pack my books,lets head to uni!

a very good idea for us to recognize and learn more about the world of blockchain. so let's take advantage of this opportunity.

Congratulations to esteem users around the world, hopefully read this very useful post ..
Many thanks to the @good-karma who has chosen Indonesia as one of the examples of this remarkable project.
We from EFA have started it together and so far it has been very useful for me personally as a new user of steemit and generally for other steemians.
Thanks to the teachers EFA who have guided me so far ..

This is ....nice!
It will be helpful to we newbies in the crypto world. Giving people the ability to learn, to teach and doing so in a community of intellectuals, any other good thing aside?

Time to pack my books,lets head to uni!

Great idea. in this way then Steemians can understand. thanks @good-karma

Ahhh sweet now this is really cool

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a great opportunity for learners. Welldone eSteem community and thank you @good-karma for sharing the information.

Thank you for doing STEEM - better. Good luck to you and Love.

Спасибо, что делаете STEEM – лучше. Удачи Вам и Любви.

Some technology then a course

Congratulations of new university
I'm sure it will grow fast..

This post has been just added as new item to timeline of eSteem on Steem Projects.

If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add eSteem to your favorite projects.

This is ....nice!
It will be helpful to we newbies in the crypto world. Giving people the ability to learn, to teach and doing so in a community of intellectuals, any other good thing aside?

Time to pack my books,lets head to uni!

Awesome selfless service. Great concept. I am happy with in this new initiative. Thank you @good-karma and @esteemapp team members for contributing to blockchain and Steem ecosystem

Great initiate. I support this


This is a great plan to help people learn and grow together on the Steem blockchain. 👍

dovremo però insegnare o discutere gli argomenti oggetto di interesse....da cosa possiamo iniziare?

The goal of esteem university is very good for learning for us who are still playable. Thanks a lot sir @ good-karma

A bright idea indeed specially for a newbie like me who needs tutorial.

Hi @good-karma you are fantastic to open esteem university,where every one will be benefited differently.Thanks

This is ....nice!
It will be helpful to we newbies in the crypto world. Giving people the ability to learn, to teach and doing so in a community of intellectuals, any other good thing aside?

Time to pack my books,lets head to uni!

Wow, this is a greay idea and innovation..
At least steemians can now learn more abd maje any enquring through community via #esteem-university.. Am sure it woll be welcomed in our Nigeria communities...
Thanks @good-karma for tgis development...

Wow. I am excited to learn in this online school university.. 😀

This is absolutely a very brilliant idea.

I myself was eluded completely with the concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency but i'm getting some self help books and sites that are making these terms clearer to me.

I believe i am now both a teacher and a student and would love to join your community.

I really like the esteem program, because the esteem application continues to grow, and is very educational, I keep following the esteem and will continue to learn about the apps esteem and steemit thanks esteem

Wow this amazing project.
Bravo eSteem.

Regards: @jubagarang [EFA Mentors]

I like the idea, definetely will join the program.

It is interesting and people like me is mostly need. Thanks steem to make such beautiful platform for us.

A very good idea, I really like it

A very good idea, I really like it

Good jobs buddy @good-karma

eSteem University great news for us.
So Steemit will help learner to grow their knowledge and teachers will get more students to teach them..
Best of luck for this project..

Posted using Partiko Android

@mukhtarilyas, welcomed esteem university @good-karma because I am a teacher and I support this cross-national educational program.

Now this is something that really out of league and i am happy that India is also added in this test faze, going to try this for sure.

Semoga berjalan lancar

Too bad I can not go to discord esteem anymore, I do not know why that is so 😢😭

Informasi yang sangat menarik

This is something i have been waiting for. I was expecting steemit to be a place where anything can be found. Good idea @good-karma

Program yang sangat bagus terima kasih @good-karma

Congratulations to esteem users, it is now easier to use esteem / steem. All users will be easier to create classes, hold online lessons, and discuss online using a special room # eSteem-University

Its a great idea and start.I am electrical engineer and i am pleased to share my knowledge with you guys :)

Wow it's open University free for everyone come and join to explore the world of success and knowledge, no matters who you are or from where you are, just come and share your ideas and learn from other ideas.
Very very great initiative dear sir @good-karma this idea will revolutionise the future of it's students.
I am going to board on the class.

Informasi yang sangat bagus untuk kawan kawan pengguna esteem, terima kasih @good-karma

There a lot of people Who wants to learn. This would be a good start.

Congratulations... this is a new beginning for the esteem, his hope with the presence of eSteem University can bring a new spirit for steemian.

Good writing from good karma.

It is a very very good initiative, i am willing to join and contribute to this. Please do update us when people from other countries can also volunteer.

Hi @ good-karma, I come from Indonesia, Aceh. Choosing Indonesia as a trial from an online school is something to be proud of, especially for me as an Indonesian esteemian. I hope this bright idea will spread throughout the world.