in esteem •  6 years ago 

Dear steemians goodnight everything ....
On this occasion I will write about the happy times.
Before I write at length first I apologize to steemians all remember sometimes there are words in my writing this is less in line with the steemians read understand I am learning.

Next I will tell you about the happy times, this is one example if anyone who is happy, a daughter who is happy by using the rain she just got from a mother.


When he was hijab so happy he felt like a teenager with a style that he reflected on his family with great pleasure without any feeling of anxiety even when he was a child just 9 years old.


it's just that he is so confident in his veil that he is already used to hijab when he goes to school


Kita selaku orang tua jika kita melihat putri kita menggunakan hijab pasti saja kita berkeinginan untuk putri kita agar selalu menggunakan hijab sampai dia dewasa terus kita bekali dengan ilmu yang berguna agar kelak dia menjadi anak yang salihah.


So story short I write a hope so mamfaat for all of Muslim women who have not sensitive to hijab, let berhijab order in the blessed by Allah subhanahu wata'ala in everything that is positive.

Thenk you for visiting my blog

best regards @imun


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