
in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Star fruit (also known as starfruit, belimbing reed, belimbing bottle, belimbing iron, or starfruit) is a kind of small tree that is estimated to come from the Maluku Islands, and bred and grow freely in Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaysia. This plant is usually planted in the yard to take fruit that has a sour taste that is often used as a spice cooking and mixture of herbs.


Star fruit is a fruit tree that reaches 5 m high. The trunk is not so large, 30 cm in diameter. He was rough and bumpy, branching a bit, and leaning upward. Its young-haired branch is smooth, velvety and light brown. The leaves are arranged in double form. The shape is small, egg-shaped, and the amount 21-45 cm. The leaves include compound, pinnate, and odd. Short-stemmed leaves, oval-shaped to jorong, pointed tip, base rounded, edges flat. The size of the leaves is: 2-10 cm × 1-3 cm. It is green, and the lower surface is light green. The flowers are plural, and arranged in panicles (5-20 cm long). Flocking, out of large branches, star-shaped and purple / red. The fruit includes bunis, round elliptical shaped, 4-6.5 cm in length, yellowish green, watery if it's masajm and sour taste. The shape of oval, flattened.


Star fruit wuluh has a variety of benefits and is very good for health and beauty. Here are the benefits of drooping wuluh, namely:

  • treating cough;
  • treating diabetes;
  • treating toothache;
  • overcome acne;
  • overcome panu;
  • prevent hypertension;
  • Cope with canker sores.

a b Belimbing Wuluh accessed February 3, 2016
Star fruit cultivation
For the right cultivation of wuluh belimbing can be done by sucking the trunk with the following steps:

Choose wuluh belimbing tree that has proven fruitful fruit
Cut one of the stems that are not too young and also not too old
Soak the wuluh belimbing wuluh cut into root growth stimulant solution for 1 night.
Prepare planting media in the form of large pots, fill with a mixture of loose soil and manure.
Plug pieces of star belimbing wuluh directly into the pot
Do watering, and try planting done early in the rainy season so that humid environment conditions so that the stalk of wuluh starfruit is not dry.
How to plant Belimbing Wuluh accessible February 3, 2016

Local name

  • Palembang: Belembeng Wuluh / Besi
    Bugis Soppeng: Caleneng
  • Aceh: Limèng eungkot, boh limèng
    Gayo: selemeng
  • Batak: asom, starfruit, balimbingan
    Nias: malimbi
  • Minangkabau: balimbieng
  • Malay: starfruit acid
    Lampung: balimbing
  • Sundanese: calincing, balingbing
  • Java: blimbing wuluh
  • Madura: bhalingbhing fur
  • Bali: blingbing buloh
  • Bima: limbi
  • Flores: balimbeng
  • Sawu: aunt

Sangir: sulfur

  • Banjarmasin: Star fruit pointing.
  • Makassar: Bainang
  • hakka: Jong Tho Son



Fruit starfruit


Flower belimbing wuluh


The starfruit tree is full of fruit

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