rice is the staple food of Aceh people

in esteem •  6 years ago 

Hi esteemian.
Aceh is one of the provinces that is known for being fertile and rich in natural resources. If all existing natural resources can be managed to the fullest, then the needs of the people of Aceh will be fulfilled and no need to import from other regions.

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Natural resources are anything that comes from natural products that can be used by humans to meet their needs. So many results from nature that can be enjoyed both from the sea and from the land. Especially in this area, Aceh has a very wide area.
One of the natural resources that become Aceh's staple food is rice.
rice is a source of life for the people of Aceh, because rice is a staple food of Aceh. Or in other words the staple food of Acehnese people in general is rice.
the processing is boiled and cooked. Besides being consumed by Acehnese, rice is also eaten by the majority of the population of Indonesia and Asia as the main source of carbohydrates in the daily menu. Rice as staple food is usually served with side dishes as a complementary flavor and also complements one's nutritional needs. Rice can be processed again with other food ingredients into new dishes, such as fried rice, yellow rice or kebuli rice.

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Agricultural Development, especially rice. in the future, it still needs to be improved, especially with regard to productivity issues, therefore the management of agriculture leads to agriculture with agribusiness systems.

Therefore, the role of the government is needed in fostering agricultural and horticulture businesses. Institutions that are authorized to manage the development of agriculture have the main task of fostering businesses and regions. The functions that must be carried out are: planning, coordinating, fostering and developing the business in implementing agricultural development activities.

By @latifah1

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