- On this day Tuesday 06 March 2018 at approximately 06.00 Wib there has been a severe torture / murder committed by the offspring of the perpetrators son An.Nurdin Bin Abdullah, 45 yrs, entrepreneur, address Gp.Seumatang Aron Kec.Nurussalam against the victim (Ibu Kandung) An.Ramani Binti M.Ali, 73 years old, takes care of the household, the address of the crowded hamlet Gp.Baroh Bugeng Kec.Nurussalam Kab.Atim.
- The incident started when the victim woke up to perform the morning prayer saw the perpetrator was throwing the pillow next to the victim's grandfather An.Badrul Nafis then the perpetrator pressed the victim's victim's pillow victim, then the victim helped his grandson to be persecuted, after which the victim immediately perform the morning prayers, is working on prayer with a sudden the perpetrator screams what you worship is patong and jumped jumping over the board floor house, the victim of fear because the perpetrator sdh berserk and escape out the house, the perpetrator chases the victim out by holding a beam measuring 2x2 yg long more or less half meter, until in front of the house sr.Hanafiah the perpetrator did the beating and then finishing the victim causing the victim died, saw the victim sdh lifeless the perpetrator sat beside the victim with the saying takbir, after that sham.Hanafiah look very surprised krn see the victim lying in the blood, the incident witnesses report to the pack to uchik Gp.Baroh Bugeng.
- Getting information from Kapolsek community and members to the scene to secure the perpetrators and evidence, now the perpetrators and the evidence have been secured to Nurussalam Police Station for further investigation.