A person has three basic needs, not satisfying which he will fall ill and die. To eat, sleep, get pleasure.
A person lives among people, so the satisfaction of these needs depends on them.
To make other people more willing to share their possessions, the person came up with money. As a means of exchange.
The ability to eat directly, touching tactilely in humans is extremely small. For example, he can not sit on two chairs at the same time. Sleep in two beds. To be in two rooms.
But he can regularly wash the floor in several rooms or walk on them and admire. Breathe and wipe the shiny hoods of several beautiful cars.
Or he can admire the list of everything that he has, if otherwise can not be used. And wash the floors, admire, iron the hoods of his cars will be other people.
Practical people, to be able to directly contact with the things they have, regularly get rid of unnecessary. In order not to spend on them their feelings and living space.
A cunning people realized that to stroke the hood of a beautiful car or to admire it, it is not necessary to be its owner. Came to the salon stroked, business then :)
How to be, when everything you need to meet the "sleep and eat" you already have and quite satisfied?
The greatest luxury in our world is to do something your own. From drawing your own on paper to building a house that you want. Confuse something that you want.
"I'm dancing drunk on the table,
ua-ua-e, ua-ua-e "=)
- Need a table and a society.
And here I write a post, which I want :)
And in these our actions, things and other people acquire their meaning. I need a laptop to print on it. A car to get there and everyone else to read and answer =)
You can do it even at work. If you are interested in doing it yourself. It is not possible to globally feel the need for car washing, if its owner is not you? And someone can :) Has breathed-rubbed, ah, what beauty =)
And after work, who prevents to enjoy not you made film. It was not hard for people to spend so much labor that you looked. And I'm going to cook the food.
And you eat it and thank it. Everything is going the way you need =)