Betwen ESTEEM and a CUP COFFEE Gayo (Aceh Sumatera) || Gayo land is very cool......

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Brrrr.... Begitulah ungkapan kalau kondisi hawa sangan dingin,
Oke, selamat pagi tuk stemian yg selalu dlm lindungan Allaah, semoga di hari senin ini, para steemian tetap semangat dalam melakukan aktifitas masing masing, mungkin dar kawan para steemian ada yang ngantor ataupun kegiatan lainnya semoga saya doakan selalu mendapat berkah, Aamiiin...

Brrrr .... That's the phrase that the cold weather is cool,
Okay, good morning to stemian who always in the protection of Allaah, hopefully on this monday, the steemian keep the spirit in doing their respective activities, maybe from friends steemian there is ngantor or other activities may I pray always get blessings, Aamiiin ...<


Oh ya kawan steemian, saya sekarang ini sedang berada di takengon, aceh tengah dimana semua orang tahu bahwa disini adalah wilayah penghasil kopi terbaik di indonesia bahkan sudah mendunia dan sangat di kenal setelah kopi terbaik di brasil, dan semoga orang setuju bahwa kopi disini memang nikmat dan sebagian besar mengatakan sangat luar biasa kopi disini

Oh yes steemian friend, I am currently in takengon, aceh middle where everyone knows that here is the best coffee producer region in Indonesia even have worldwide and very know after best coffee in brasil, and hopefully people agree that coffee here is delicious and most say it's incredible coffee here<



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