Snails include Mollusca (Mollis = soft) phylum and Gastropoda class (Gastro = abdomen, Poda = foot) which is characterized by soft, bilateral symmetrical body, not segmented and moves creeping, chanting or swimming with abdominal legs.

Most snails have a hard single shell of lime with a very diverse form to protect the body.
The visible part of the body from the outside is the head with a pair of antenna or more equipped with an eye at the end and an abdominal leg that protrudes from the bottom of the shell.
The direction of the round shell is generally to the right (dextral) and generally has an operculum
characteristic features
The cone of a circular tube is like a conde (a bundle, a whorl).
The top of the cone is the oldest part, called apex.
The axis of the cone is called the columella.
The largest bulk is called the whorl body and the bobs on it are called spirers (threads).
Sensory devices on the snail include the eyes, tentacles, osphradia and statocyt.
Legs wide and flat on the ventral body.
Moving slowly with his feet.
Morphology of Snails (Achatina fulica)
A. Section Head (Caput), there are:
Photoreceptors (a pair of long, perpendicular tentacles), as a light-emitting recipient because they have a stigma (the eye on the tip of the tetracle, round-shaped) and the Stylus (Stacked Legs) that can be stretched and pulled
Khemoreseptor (Short tentacle, pair, downward) as a chemical sensor receiver as well as a tactile tool
Rima Oris (Gap of mouth), the edges of fine teeth (Radula). To prove it, it needs to be touched with fingertips
B. Abdominal legs (Gastropodos), wide and flat, as a motion device, have many mucus-producing glands (mucus). this Muskuler part can be in Consumption
C. Anus (Estuary gastrointestinal tract) appears clear
D. Genitalis Porphy (Estuary of the genital organ), located in the Photoreseptor section, serves for the passage of the penis at the time of copulation.
A. Respiratory System (Respiratory System)
Pallium (roof of the cavity in the abdomen), serves as the lungs, air exchange takes place in the vassa-vassa.
B. System Cardiovasculare (Circulatory System)
Cor (Heart) consists of 2 rooms namely atrium (reddish yellow) and Ventricle (White color).
C. System Digestorium
Tractus digestivus (Digestive Tract) includes:
- Cavum Oris, visibly bulging, its base is encircled by a nerve bracelet.
- Esophagus (Ketongkongan), dilated and relatof long.
- Ventriculus (stomach), rounded attached to the digestive gland.
- Intestinum (intestine) outflow Ventriculus, located at the base of the pallium.
- Anus (Muara out channel)
D. Urogenitalis System (Urinary and Genital System) - Organa ropetica
Nephridium (simple kidney) lies between Pallium and Intestinum, rounded elongated, smooth-bended surface
- Genital organs.
Type HERMAPHODITE (Snail Reproductive Organs)
A. Ovotestis (ovarian or testicular organ in one place) is yellowish white, consisting of several lobes, attached to the surface of hepatopancreas, an egg-producing organ (OVA) and sperm all at once)
B.Ductus hermaphroditicus is an outlet of ovum and sperm together from Ovotestis, spiral winding, yellowish color, ovum and sperm at once)
C. Oviduct (Egg tube), Channel that only accommodates eggs only, straight and transparent shape, empties into the genitale atrium, lies nestled with Epididymis
D. Epididymis (Ductus Spermatycus) The only sperm duct, in the form of a dense winding. Continue mendi into a straight channel that is vas deferens and empties into the atrium genital
E. Albuminosa gland (albumin gland), Pale yellow color, small size at the time of reproduction and becomes very large when it is ggravid (Spawning period). Function provides ALBUMIN layer (Egg white on each ovum which goes into oviduct.
F. Spematheca (red sperm) Red, located attached to the boundary between epididymis and Vas deferens, serves to accommodate sperm from another snail after Kopulasi
G. Ductus genitale (Channel to Spermatecha) Is a common estuary space of Oviduct, vas deferens, Ductus Spermatechalis and penis
H. Musculus retractor penis Oto that pulls the penis
I. Yellowish penis, a copulation tool, composed of muscles, functioned in such a way as opening socks.
> Hermaprodite animals can not be distinguished between males and females, because each individual produces ovaries and sperm all at once. The sperm of the Snail's Body can not be fertilized by an egg produced by itself. For the fertilization of eggs required the exchange of sperm with another snail through the activities of copulation. Ovotestis produces sperm that is channeled through the vasa deferensia and eventually into the vagina of other animals with penis intermediates that can be removed from the genital pits. The egg is also produced by the ovetestis carried through the hemaphroditicus channel to get the albumin gland then to the uterus proceeding to the oviduct and from there to be fertilized sperm of another animal.m2uiksiv6jyrr.png)
Snails include Mollusca (Mollis = soft) phylum and Gastropoda class (Gastro = abdomen, Poda = foot) which is characterized by soft, bilateral symmetrical body, not segmented and moves creeping, chanting or swimming with abdominal legs.

Most snails have a hard single shell of lime with a very diverse form to protect the body.
The visible part of the body from the outside is the head with a pair of antenna or more equipped with an eye at the end and an abdominal leg that protrudes from the bottom of the shell.
The direction of the round shell is generally to the right (dextral) and generally has an operculum
characteristic features
The cone of a circular tube is like a conde (a bundle, a whorl).
The top of the cone is the oldest part, called apex.
The axis of the cone is called the columella.
The largest bulk is called the whorl body and the bobs on it are called spirers (threads).
Sensory devices on the snail include the eyes, tentacles, osphradia and statocyt.
Legs wide and flat on the ventral body.
Moving slowly with his feet.
Morphology of Snails (Achatina fulica)
A. Section Head (Caput), there are:
Photoreceptors (a pair of long, perpendicular tentacles), as a light-emitting recipient because they have a stigma (the eye on the tip of the tetracle, round-shaped) and the Stylus (Stacked Legs) that can be stretched and pulled
Khemoreseptor (Short tentacle, pair, downward) as a chemical sensor receiver as well as a tactile tool
Rima Oris (Gap of mouth), the edges of fine teeth (Radula). To prove it, it needs to be touched with fingertips
B. Abdominal legs (Gastropodos), wide and flat, as a motion device, have many mucus-producing glands (mucus). this Muskuler part can be in Consumption
C. Anus (Estuary gastrointestinal tract) appears clear
D. Genitalis Porphy (Estuary of the genital organ), located in the Photoreseptor section, serves for the passage of the penis at the time of copulation.
A. Respiratory System (Respiratory System)
Pallium (roof of the cavity in the abdomen), serves as the lungs, air exchange takes place in the vassa-vassa.
B. System Cardiovasculare (Circulatory System)
Cor (Heart) consists of 2 rooms namely atrium (reddish yellow) and Ventricle (White color).
C. System Digestorium
Tractus digestivus (Digestive Tract) includes:
- Cavum Oris, visibly bulging, its base is encircled by a nerve bracelet.
- Esophagus (Ketongkongan), dilated and relatof long.
- Ventriculus (stomach), rounded attached to the digestive gland.
- Intestinum (intestine) outflow Ventriculus, located at the base of the pallium.
- Anus (Muara out channel)
D. Urogenitalis System (Urinary and Genital System) - Organa ropetica
Nephridium (simple kidney) lies between Pallium and Intestinum, rounded elongated, smooth-bended surface
- Genital organs.
Type HERMAPHODITE (Snail Reproductive Organs)
A. Ovotestis (ovarian or testicular organ in one place) is yellowish white, consisting of several lobes, attached to the surface of hepatopancreas, an egg-producing organ (OVA) and sperm all at once)
B.Ductus hermaphroditicus is an outlet of ovum and sperm together from Ovotestis, spiral winding, yellowish color, ovum and sperm at once)
C. Oviduct (Egg tube), Channel that only accommodates eggs only, straight and transparent shape, empties into the genitale atrium, lies nestled with Epididymis
D. Epididymis (Ductus Spermatycus) The only sperm duct, in the form of a dense winding. Continue mendi into a straight channel that is vas deferens and empties into the atrium genital
E. Albuminosa gland (albumin gland), Pale yellow color, small size at the time of reproduction and becomes very large when it is ggravid (Spawning period). Function provides ALBUMIN layer (Egg white on each ovum which goes into oviduct.
F. Spematheca (red sperm) Red, located attached to the boundary between epididymis and Vas deferens, serves to accommodate sperm from another snail after Kopulasi
G. Ductus genitale (Channel to Spermatecha) Is a common estuary space of Oviduct, vas deferens, Ductus Spermatechalis and penis
H. Musculus retractor penis Oto that pulls the penis
I. Yellowish penis, a copulation tool, composed of muscles, functioned in such a way as opening socks.
> Hermaprodite animals can not be distinguished between males and females, because each individual produces ovaries and sperm all at once. The sperm of the Snail's Body can not be fertilized by an egg produced by itself. For the fertilization of eggs required the exchange of sperm with another snail through the activities of copulation. Ovotestis produces sperm that is channeled through the vasa deferensia and eventually into the vagina of other animals with penis intermediates that can be removed from the genital pits. The egg is also produced by the ovetestis carried through the hemaphroditicus channel to get the albumin gland then to the uterus proceeding to the oviduct and from there to be fertilized sperm of another animal.