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in esteem •  6 years ago 


Love is a healing agent because its energetic frequency is stronger than other emotions and is the foundation of universal order. The power of love is such that it surrenders itself so its presence is known. I am reminded of the quote by author Leo Buscaglia: “Love and self are one and the discovery of either is the realization of both.” Loving and being loved is the core of our being. When we feel unloved we feel less than what we truly are. When we go through abuse or trauma it affects how we perceive our value and it harms our core. The way Love heals is not magical, instantaneous or superficial. Love heals from the inside out. Everything in our lives flows out from within us. Thoughts, feelings, intentions, purposes all come from the inside. Suffering and trauma live on the inside of us silently screaming until they’re healed by the source of all Love. God is Love.

Being in love can be the most wonderful feeling out there. When you are in love there are benefit. Love can heal. Yes, the fact has been scientifically proven. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry [2], scientists found that wounds heal faster in couples who are in a stable and loving relationship. The reverse was also true. People in hostile relationships tended to have slower wound healing capacity. Thought to be due to the pro-inflammatory cytokinens released when a person was sad, lonely or the subject of abuse, the presence of this compound was found to be much lower in people who were in love. But did you know that being in a loving and happy relationship actually has innumerable health benefits?

Makes your skin glow: Falling in love can be a great experience. But apart from making you feel absolutely on top of this world, love can make your skin glow too. According to experts, when you fall in love your body release a whole host of hormones including endorphins. It also helps reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisone, that directly translates to lesser stress and fewer stress related skin ailments like acne.

  1. Reduced risk of depression
    It seems that strong relationships really can help improve your mental health. A large US study by the University of Michigan showed that the quality of a person's relationships can help predict their likelihood of developing depression in the future.
    The good news for those of us who don't have a spouse or long-term partner? The findings apply to your relationships with family and friends, too.
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