Variety of Traditional Indonesian Cuisine based on Tofu

in esteem •  6 years ago 

In addition to tempe, tofu is a side dish that is often the choice of Indonesian people as a daily menu. How not, taste delicious, economical price, and can dikreasikan to various preparations to make a lot of tune. In Indonesia, a lot of menus typical of the archipelago that utilizes the know as the main ingredient. Well, this time will be given a variety of traditional dishes of Indonesia made from tofu.

No less famous than know mix, there kupat know from Central Java. Some call it from Solo or also Magelang. Regardless of the original area, I know this really has a sense of pleasure. The ingredients to make this culinary are slices of kupat or lontong then on it are given fried tofu, sprouts and then watered with peanut spice then given additional fried onions and also crackers.

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