I beg you pray for my mom

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Just got back from interview and I heared mom.s voice calling me...she said call 911 (112) fast and I called ..I screamed and yell at them and they came fast in 7 min...she was all black and fainted....please pray for her...send angrhing...prayers..I don.t know how much we will stay, after 2 h we.re still waiting..doctors raise their shoulders and I don.t know anything! Please...I beg you...pray withing your whole soul...my mom she.s digesting every problem...for 10 years she doesn.t have to lift anything but dad keps pressing her to do business in house...please...my mom is a martir taking care of everyone and everything!


Waiting for news....



Second day update: thanks God she's better!
They got the tube out from her lungs and she's breathing on her own..ofc she's weak but she's getting better!
I'm starting to feel on my body the events but I'm concentrating only on her wellness, that's what counts now!
Thank you for being beside us!

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Sorry to hear about your mom, just saw the post. How's she doing now?