activities to build a village with mutual cooperation

in esteem •  7 years ago 

This is the activity of ami that is intrakurikuler which combine the implementation of Higher Education which give to us that is student as our experience learn and work in community development activity becoming vehicle of application and development of science outside campus, to apply relevance of Higher Education with development and requirement of society of science and technology and art in clean village development that I share with you, may be useful to all of you. The mutual help and clean up environment in this village is already a little gone because of the lack of public awareness, I hope that with this activity can bring back awareness in in the community about the importance of cleanliness and love for the environment.
Which is an opportunity given to us to help solve the problem especially in matters relating to the development of the disciplines we are working on.
because by holding this gotong royong and clean-up activities, the village becomes clean and give comfort to our stay because of its clean environment. clean-up in this village is already a little disappeared due to lack of public awareness, I hope this activity can bring back awareness within the community about the importance of cleanliness and love of the surrounding environment is safe and comfortable.
Hopefully this article useful for you all. Let us build each other to make our homes safer and more comfortable.

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