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in esteemian •  6 years ago  (edited)
Hi Steemians !!! Certainly in good health wal afiat ... We live in this world of course requires nature and content that is in it, one of them is the sun because the sun is the source of life of beings in this world. The sun is a big star that shines brightly during the day. The morning sunlight that has bright light and warm rays do have many benefits for the human body.

The morning sun can reduce the risk of disease, such as psoriasis and fungal infections. Launched from the page Boldsky, sunlight also contains vitamin D that cures sclerosis, allergies, asthma, infection and even depression that triggered from our own environment. In addition, there are still many reasons to like the warmth of the morning sun. Here will be explained the benefits of the sun for humans.


1. Generating thought

The results show that being in that morning sun exposure will help make the mind more relaxed. Warmth will also release the stress and fatigue that is experienced by someone.

2. Good for the heart

The morning sun will help lower high blood pressure. This ray will also reduce cholesterol levels and help improve heart health. Basking under the rays some time will become a 'heart sport' for humans.

3. Can prevent cancer

Then the benefits of sunlight are not limited. This ray will also help prevent breast, colon and prostate cancers. Sunlight will help smooth blood circulation and kill cancer cells and regenerate cells. However caution, too long and much exposure to sunlight will also make skin cancer or irritation.


4. The body of immunity is interesting

The purpose of the immune system to overcome all the attacks of the disease. If the immune system is very weak then the body will easily get sick. The sun will help increase endurance by increasing white blood cells and gamma globulin. Thus the body will be protected from all types of viruses and bacteria in their nature.

5. Sleep more soundly

If the eye is exposed to sunlight, the symbol will reach the brain. This will increase melatonin production which will help turn the curfew and sleep well.


6. Cleanses the body and makes skin healthier

Walking in the sun for a few hours will make your body sweat. Sweat will reduce the useless compounds from the body. This causes the body to need plenty of water to replace body fluids and make it healthier and fitter.

7. Keep your body vibrant

The morning sun will increase the ability of these red blood cells to carry oxygen to the brain. As a result you will remain active and vibrant and healthy.

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