IMG 1 TTDTAG 1 TTImage: Bridget Bennett/ Mashable
RTAG 1 TTWhile CES sets the ATAG 1 TT tech tendencies for its first year, it rarely determines the flavor. The giant-size tech carnival is a great region to verify the latest TVs, smart residence gadgets, and self-driving vehicle tech, but itSSSSSs likewise a bubble. Hype and excite over mostly incremental upgrades is epidemic at the prove, and it has very little to do with our real-world relationship with technology.
RTAG 2 TTIf there was any doubt about that, it was attained jarringly clearly defined Thursday when news broke that Amazon-owned company Ring, fresh from a CES 2019 launching where it debuted a batch of brand-new smart-home protection products, had been ATAG 2 TT applying human contractors to review and label some customersSSSSS doorbell-cam footage in lieu of an actual AI.
DTAG 2 TTRTAG 3 TTSEE ALSO: ATAG 3 TTAppleSSSSSs news at CES 2019 shows itSSSSSs facing some hard truths
RTAG 4 TTIt was concerning, even disturbing, report, but it was also familiar. For the past two years, the public has considered scandal after scandal where a familiar tech label has played fastest and most loose with customer data. The agreement we all shape where reference is click "agree" on a words of services that are page has turned what was previously a thoughtless exert into one of skepticism or even dread. The public at large is still much aware of how our data can be used ... and abused.
RTAG 5 TTBut, if you judged by CES -- specially the events of see heavyweights LG and Samsung -- you wouldnSSSSSt know any of that had happened. There was persisted exhilaration about putting internet linkages in everything with WiFi( and now 5G) as well as all kinds of hype around making those machines "personal" with our gizmoes, devices, and services learning our personal preferences to better adapt experiences to our liking.
RTAG 6 TTThe( mainly unsaid) implication is that those predilections are stored somewhere, basically necessitating our engineering, and by expansion the labels that create and maintain it, is profiling us. When companies tout "machine learning, " by and large they mean they machine is learning about you.
RTAG 8 TTGoogleSSSSSs growing presence at CES presents just how important data and AI are becoming to traditional electronics.
DTAG 3 TTRTAG 9 TTImage: Bridget Bennett/ Mashable
RTAG 10 TTTo be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with this. But it is also inherently risky. Formerly your data is tracked and registered, it becomes a commodity, something that can be bought, sold, stolen, lost, and more. While buyers want the accessibility and progress tech products promise, they likewise want to feel that they have final say -- or any say -- over how their data is utilized. Ads that follow you around the web, propagandists targeting your news feed, randos in some countries examining your doorbell footage -- did we are genuinely, knowingly agree to all this?
RTAG 11 TTTo be sure, there have been a lot of ATAG 4 TT overhyped data scandals . Ever since the Cambridge Analytica fiasco, weSSSSSve become hypersensitive to them, and reports sometimes conflate negligent data practices with simple-minded APIs. Letting your smartphoneSSSSSs native email app speak your Microsoft Outlook account isnSSSSSt a violate, and even if you consider the sharing of data to still are threats, at least the trade-off youSSSSSre making is pretty transparent.
RTAG 12 TTThat confusion, however, actually intent points up proving a larger phase: That tech corporations who deal in customer data need to communicate better on how that data is being used and protected( and , no, interring things in the terms of service doesnSSSSSt cut it ). Contrary to popular belief, Facebook actually does a decent undertaking of this, with its Privacy Checkup tool ambling users through their fixeds in plain language. ItSSSSSs also been much more proactive about civilizing consumers about privacy issues since Cambridge Analytica.
RTAG 13 TTBut it shouldnSSSSSt take a plethora of data scandals for a company to get proactive about privacy, and this is where CES missed a huge opportunity. It could have pushed forward the conversation about consumer data in terms of promoting exhibitors( especially large-hearted ones like Panasonic, Sony, and others) to talk about how theySSSSSre acquiring and using customer data. They could even create a Privacy Pavilion -- a home where labels could crow, in writing and in person, about their commitment to user privacy, and testify attendees could train themselves on data practices of the industry.
RTAG 15 TTAre you ready to share your health data with SamsungSSSSSs Bot Care?
DTAG 4 TTRTAG 16 TTImage: Bridget Bennett/ Mashable
RTAG 17 TTInstead we were treated to ATAG 5 TT LGSSSSSs tone-deaf present around itSSSSSs ThinQ( "think-you") AI platform, which explicitly "gets to know you" so it can provide you better, with no clarity about how LG is of the view that service extended to third parties. We get ATAG 6 TT Samsung Bot Care , a robot which are in a position to track your health without no information on how that data will be protected. There were more than 300 discussions and keynotes at CES, and only 3 had any kind of privacy focus.
RTAG 18 TTConsumer data is a product, and, looking at the valuations of the largest tech companies in the world, an extremely valuable one. For a show that purports to be about the most important point tech products in the world, CES had shockingly little to say about it. ThatSSSSSs more than a missed possibility -- itSSSSSs a sad indication that as world-changing engineerings like 5G and automation progress, the hard lessons learned in the past time is very likely need to be learned again and again.
DTAG 5 TT HTAG 1 TTATAG 7 TTWATCH: This device is trying to supplant your phone AND laptopHETAG 1 TT DTAG 6 TT RTAG 19 TTIMG 4 TT
RTAG 20 TTRead more: ATAG 8 TThttp :// /
Today on the H3 report - RiceGum travels after Hila Klein "I think this fool is depressed or whatever because his daughter be just so wack. like I'm sorry someone has to say it." More like rice* scum *. Gottem! "Monotone Monica over here,* retard noise* nah I'm just kidding I don't know her name, but like for real, she's just so boring." Next up what's going on with these yellowish thumbnails.
You've seen them all over YouTube: it's Genius Meme-ing on everybody. And ultimately, YouTube was eventually addressed the trending issue. Everybody has been complaining We want to see more wholesome real representative videos on trending of creators and YouTube has responded resoundingly with Obese guy bathing in trough today on the epic return( Turn down your volume) Today! On the epic retuuuurn of the H3* coughing* Report! The first story of the day comes from RiceGumby now, I'm not gonna be calling him RiceGum anymore I'll be calling him RiceGumby because just like the toy Gumby he's soft, enjoyed by ten year olds, and keep forgetting about by most people. Now in rice Gumby's response video He in the thumbnail calls Hila a storyteller, which is based on genuinely good-for-nothing at all And then he goes on to call me a "hippocrip" Is it possible that RiceGum actually thinks that phony is "hippocrip"? Yo, how is everybody doing human? It's kind of cold in my chamber. So I had to do what I had to do But look at this dude, guy just look what i found dude For someone who's all about flexing and showing off their opulence I have to say, I find it a bit hilarious that you cannot afford heating I recommend instead of buying Louis Vuitton supreme jackets perhaps investing in a furnace.
He's just a big hater I guess it stirs sense because he says he's like depressed or something which really doesn't make sense why he's depressed frankly because like I signify money isn't everything and fame isn't everything but like "hes having" both of that and like YouTube is like a reverie chore and people would likely want to be in his shoes so you are required to cool off I'm really trying to think I'm not a therapist or anything and this is like towards the end of the video So a lot of people might not even see this so I'm just gonna say how it is I think this buffoon is depressed or whatever because his girl be just so wack. Like I'm sorry. Someone has to say it But like every time his girlfriend is in a video, bro it's just crickets. So soldiers simply walk into their house and look through their shit and find guns.. Monotone Monica over here, nah I'm just kidding, I dont know her name but like for real she's just so boring, bro And perhaps you're just bored of her or just likes surround yourself with high-energy Girls kids like you probably can have you got the money and the clout right at the end of the day anyways humankind just be happy mortal so apparently RiceGumby PhD determines that the reasons why I'm depressed is My beautiful pregnant wife, the reason that anything good has happened in my life.
His primary contend Is that Hila's boring and I feel actually there's just simply one response to that You reek that it smells like fried rice All I'm tryna say is It was a mistake I probably shouldn't've done it and it'll never happen again but, shit I induced the purse Shit So did it feel good, though? But did it feel good, though? I probably shouldn't've done it and it'll never happen again but, shit I made the luggage Damn Gumby when you find a girl that's got moves like that then you can come at me talking about high-energy girls I got the best girl in the frickin world-wide If you're gonna come after me, you better come harder than that dawg And I didn't even have to pay her to pretend to like me But that's okay because you just got paid two hundred thousand dollars for selling Gambling to kids when you've squandered all that away trying to flaunt how wealthy "youre gonna have to" You may want to change your epithet from RiceGum to Just Rice Because I'm afraid that's all you'll be able to afford to eat.
But hold on I'm not finished remember at the end where he's like yo, sorry $10 $ 20, okay good-for-nothing I has truly do but say sorry and give you these Amazon gift cards, so I'm sorry it just wouldn't happen again Amazon codes 10 to $20 just a little giveaway is the least I can do after what you know this, you know This gentleman here called Amazon himself to check on these codes and he found out that they were redeemed Months ago before this video was even stirred so RiceGum rendered out ill-used and age-old Amazon codes -It's the least I can do- RiceGum was trying to redeem himself. But ironically he had already redeemed himself months ago with his own code I wonder if he spent them on tissues to wipe the tears away when he realised the girls He pays to pretend like they liked him don't actually like him, GOTTEM Hey Rice, did it feel good, though? Next tale we have Genius.
Now Genius is a YouTube channel that delivers on reputable Musical talents to come explain their lyrics they've had artists like Post Malone, Logic, 21 Barbarian, Joji Rich Brian - Titan of the music industry, but one genius over at Genius decided Hey, what if we bring on memes and it was a stroke of dare I say? Genius And it deters going too - you start to wonder is there something wrong with this kid was this video not edited properly There's no sound Right the kids got on like ten jackets for some reason like what's going on here, right? I'm intrigued.
Ooh, I adoration how he makes that last mention he actually indicates off his musical domination. I be flossiIiiIiiin I was like, oh Mariah Carey in the building interrupt a glass with that voice. You know what I'm saying? Flossin is the dance that took "the worlds" by a blizzard on the Internet. How are you not having a heat apoplexy? First of all, I be sweatin' I would say unless he lives on Mars.
He's probably overdressed to right left to right left to right I don't think his instructions are good because I don't think I'm flossing -right, left, right, left- I don't think your instructions are good bro. the first thing "youre trying to" do is spread your legs and then "youre trying to" put your arms out and then you want to Go turn left to right turn left to right turn left to right Left to right left right left right left privilege left left right left right left So there "theres going". A lot of people are saying Genius must be stopped. We must end genius. I think genius must Persist, I enjoy it is the most entertaining stuff on the internet. Let's support them. Let's rise them up. Let's get them on trending I want to see more yellowish thumbnails And our final story comes from YouTube They've listened to the community's concerns and they have finally trended a video that is worthy of being there.
This one is named "Due to His Obesity, Casey Must Bathe Outside in a Trough" Not a soak , not a container , not a barrel, a trough. I would like to see the transcript for purposes of the present video on Genius if that's possible( Grunt)( Primal grumble)( Moan ?)( Gutteral moan) I Can emphatically understand the broad appeal of this video. I ... I altogether understand why this "wouldve been" number 2 on trending all day and again, I'm not gonna say anything I'm only to give praise and admiration to the cinematography over at the TLC For find a really terrific a really good shot. I signify, this is really high-level Cinematography because think about it They could have put the camera up high They could have thrown the camera even eye level but they are only they built the editorial decision to say let's get that camera down here You know To get that really cinematic really beautiful.
Lush shot. I actually learned recently that TLC stands for Top Level Cinematography They say that videos on trending should be broadly plea, so this definitely hits all those differentiates I've always wanted to watch that an overweight person cleanse himself in a trough with a Carl's jr. Cup Have you not? Editors mention: You do not want to know what there seems to be. Trust me I need this assistance a little bit to cleanse myself y'know ... WIPING only M Y A S S Alright Okay, well I've seen all I need to see here, thanks for watching everybody. I hope you enjoyed speaking of Hilas company She's got a new drop out, the adore collect. You've got the Bubble Gum Hoodie, the Pastel Polar Fleece. Love Face Hoodie. What is Love Crew Pullover, Love Beanie and so much more. Yes, the most boring daughter on countries around the world over at If you think you can browse the website without falling asleep It's
Thanks everyone for watching and see you next time.
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