No to War - No to Brexit - my view

in europe •  7 years ago 

Let’s make a few things clear - but brief.

I’m a Brit. I’m no politician, not a civil servant nor anyone of any importance. I’m a British subject and that’s it.

BUT there is something that really gets my goat:- Being tarred by the same brush. Thankfully, I live in a democracy. The people do get to vote (even if there are ‘some’ who try and interfere) and the results adhered to.


That being said, I think what is happening between Britain, France, America, Syria and Russia is madness. I said it.

I notice angry words are thrown in either direction; Britain this, Britain that. Let’s make one thing clear - the people of Britain are NOT all behind the strikes in Syria. Yes, action needs to happen but preferably in the right way. I hate War. My grandparents and great grandparents didn’t fight two great wars for it to happen again.

I’m against innocents getting killed for any cause, especially done in the name of people who didn’t get a say.

So I say to those people in those countries who read this - I’m behind you. The UK citizens are behind you - thinking about everyone caught up in this nasty affair.

As for Brexit...


I voted Remain.

Once again, just under half of the UK has been dragged out of the EU, kicking and screaming. I believe in a while Europe, not a divided Europe.

That’s it really. I’ve just been watching the news about Syria and it maddens me - thus this post to make my point.

Have a great evening y’all or say wherever you may be.


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