Islamophobia in Europe

in europe •  6 years ago  (edited)

In modern society, everybody has the right to live according to their specific faith and belief. It is therefore, totally incorrect to enforce limitations on everyone to transformation their way of living. Inappropriately, wearing headscarves or Hijab has become a debatable dispute now, particularly in secular countries and in several Muslim states like “Egypt’s religious Al-Azhar University has just banned the niqab (full-face veil) stating that it has nothing to do with the Qur'an” (Guitta, 2010)

“Tunisia is another Muslim country actively going after the hijab. In 2006, President Ben Ali, feeling the growing influence of Islamists in Tunisian society through the rapid increase of hijabs, reactivated a 1981 decree banning the wearing of the hijab in government offices, schools, universities, and public places in general” (Guitta, 2010)

The administrations in these nations have prohibited the wearing of headscarves or hijab in schools, colleges and workplaces because it is taken as religious representation. Nevertheless, Muslim woman who are the sufferers of this judgment think that it is illegal to stop them from wearing Islamic clothing. Several people have worries about this issue, but it is very significant that Muslim woman’s should be acceptable to wear Islamic dress in educational organizations and offices as forbidding this form of clothing is a risky action which hurts the feelings of Muslims and rises racialism in humanity.

A cultural identity was really acknowledged with ethnic or cultural groups, and that way of considerate culture reveals one of the perceptions of cultural essentialism. Inside cultural essentialism, the value that culture exists has barely been questioned. All culture is seen as having some realistic features that signify a specific culture. Every culture also has certain restrictions between it and other cultures.

I thought most of European Countries are essentialism and non-essentialism both, some extent they are accepting other cultures but they also impose some limitations for instance “France has the largest Muslims population in the European union. It is a wrong perception that Muslims are not as integrated in French society as they are in the United States. France is a secular country. But now it is our target to integrate Muslims more into French society, despite cultural differences. We aim to provide equal opportunities to every community in France irrespective of social, cultural and religious background” “France Promoting

Some European Countries trying to bond Muslims society with European Union but still they are not fully effective, because certain decision which hurts the feelings of Muslims and rises racialism in humanity for example “no halal food in School canteens” (Dyer, 2011) furthermore French government fines of 150 euros for women wearing the full veil (Hijab) in Public places.

Nevertheless, this response is clear as discrimination not “racialism” because the Hijab is not restrained to a race, but to all woman followers of the Islamic belief around the globe. Oddly, Christian nuns (holy sister) cover their hair as a symbol of humility and dignity, but are not judged by their presence or enforced to take off their veil in the similar way that Muslim females are. Definitely, it is a citizen’s individual decision and religious right, rather than a repressive law, to wear a Hijab. Thus, no law should confine a woman’s right by imposing her to eliminate her sign of modesty.

A lot of radicalize supporters of a minority belief, who may already touch isolated from the majority culture of society. The risk to equality independence comes from violence and repressive ideas, but not from wearing religions codes and attire. All kind of culture is equitable; the asset of a country, a republic and an individual can be measured by their patience, acceptance and all-inclusiveness. People should be allowable to symbolize their religious by what they wear in the community.


Nowadays Muslims are living in the western society in such a large numbers; politicians must make an additional effort to understand the Muslim thinking. Only the influence of law can put an end to this culture of humiliation and strength Muslims to incorporate. If we let this separation opinion, a smash between these two cultures will become unavoidable.


Corbet, S. (2010). France moves towards banning muslim veil in public. Retrieved March 18, 2011, from

Dyer, G. (2011, March 11). Islamophobia in europe. Dawn, p. 7.

France promoting pluralism says envoy. (2011, March 10). Dawn, p. 15.

Guitta, O. (2010). Opinion: Why France is right about the burqa. Retrieved March 17, 2011, from

Niqab ban in France from next month. (2011, March 5). Dawn, p. 11.

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