"Assisted Suicide For Kids Leaves Parents In The Dark"

in euthanasia •  6 years ago 


While Americans go coo coo for cocoa puffs over who will win the midterm elections, Canadian pediatricians are grappling with much darker questions.

Doctors from Toronto's Hospital For Sick Children, in a paper published in The British Journal of Medical Ethics https://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2018/09/21/medethics-2018-104896, have spelled out policies and procedures for administering medically-assisted death to children, "including scenarios where the parents would not be informed until after the child dies."

"Usually, the family is intimately involved in the (end-of-life) decision-making process. If, however, a capable patient explicitly indicates that they do not want their family members involved in their decision-making, although health care providers may encourage the patient to reconsider and involve their family, ultimately the wishes of capable patients (under the age of 18) with respect to confidentiality must be respected," wrote pediatric doctors, administrators, and ethicists from the Toronto Hospital in the September issue of the prestigious journal.

Currently forbidden by law, the Canadian Council of Academies is slated to report to Parliament regarding "expert" medical opinion about extending voluntary euthanasia to minors without parental consent.

Their argument? "There is no meaningful ethical distinction between a patient choosing to refuse burdensome treatment and accepting an inevitable death versus patients choosing to die by chemical injection before the disease brings on death."

In the Province of Ontario, "capable" minors may refuse treatment without parental consent. Therefore, "there is no legal reason to require parental involvement in an assisted death."

Seriously? There's a huge difference between allowing nature to take its course without medical intervention and a lethal injection. And then to leave parents in the dark until after their child is dead? Pure evil.

Apparently, while it "takes a village" to raise a child, it only takes one doctor, playing God, to kill a child.

A wise man once said: "Earlier this year Belgium euthanized a nine-year old and an eleven-year old. Belgium has been sliding down the slippery slope since the law legalizing euthanasia was passed there. We really have no idea how 'terminal' these children were--and I doubt any limitation to 'terminal' will last as a qualifying criterion. There's no requirement for adults to be 'terminal' to request euthanasia."--Stephen Drake, research analyst for Not Dead Yet

"I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life that you and your children may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19).


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