Evan Wrekn Marsh:
I hear beats, music, films, projects, collaborations,
Intelligent people talking, inspirations,
Possibilities To Be Very Wealthy, illustrations,
I hear rhyming techniques from all the mindless chatter, innovations,
I hear friends being made, technique, illustrations,
I hear my friends talking about crypto currency, dissertations,
I hear my heart beating fast because, I am nervous I am busting flows to dope, mixed sensations,
I hear my phone ringing from radio stations,
want me to keep comin up with new stuff, link the nations,
I hear my key strokes on my laptop, rhythm nations,
I hear birds chirping, I hear cry babies, trying to be adults, crypto patrons
I hear competitors plotting to loose to my company,
I hear my future getting as bright as ever,
I hear my belly growling because I haven’t eaten in 2 days,
I hear voice telling me how to be a billionaire,
I hear my raps in my head, getting more dope by the second
Dope Enough Flows............ #EvanWreknCoin