God is aware of all that happens

in events •  7 years ago 

Is God With Me When I'm Hurting?

We continue our study in the Bible of why God allows so much evil in the world with a look at the evil that is done to us by the actions against us by people. According to the Bible, evil is found within “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life: (1 John 2:16). However, there are many other situations where evil can also be found, for example, a government which treats us unjustly, terrorism, and people we know who injure us personally. In each of these situations the Bible gives us guidance for how we are to react.

My Prayer... Lord Jesus, I choose to forgive ____ who has hurt me. I know I cannot forgive in my own strength, so I ask for Your help to do this. Make me more like You today.

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