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I hope people use this as a reminder to let there loved ones know as well. Who knows how many thousands/millions of crypto have been lost already the same way. Mine isn't even 1000s, but if I died tonight my crypto holdings would be lost as well as I haven't taken the time to show my wife how to access them.

I think about that too.. I'm honestly not sure how to do it all since it's all a bit complex and all over the place.

I wonder if there will be a business develop around this in the short term. For x amount of crypto we'll safeguard your keys to share with your loved ones in the event of your death.

A lot of trust would have to be built by said company for that to happen though.

Could be done with multisigs probably.

My familiarity with multisigs is very limited, but from what I understand you'd think there would be a way or at the very least some sort of smart contract tool that could be developed if nothing else.

There should already be a simple app made that takes care of this in my opinion - A 'will executor' app. My wife wouldn't know what to do but I assume she could ask someone. It would be useful to have a template made of all important information and keys that could be locked away somewhere with instructions on what to do or, who they can trust. There are people on Steem I would trust to help my wife.

Give me your keys and if you stop posting, I will take care of it all for you. =)

Hmm, I would... but you know what they say, never trust an Finnstralian.