RE: Density Training

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Density Training

in exercise •  7 years ago 

The caretaker he played in Happy Madison had some decent lines and fantastic execution overall as well.

"Now you will go to sleep. Or. I. Will. Put you to sleep."

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BILLY Madison. Not "happy". You combined Happy Gilmore with Billy Madison, didn't you? Come to think of it.... Wasn't it Happy Gilmore that he did that role in? I think?

I totally forgot about that! That was freaking HILARIOUS!!!!!! Thank you for reminding me!

The Animal, Male Giggolo was another good one. Rob Schneider seems to own every role he does.

Ben stiller wasn't in those. How did we go from stiller to schneider? This is another one of your goofy ass jedi mind tricks, isn't it? ISN'T IT? :-D :-D :-D

All I'm saying is that The Kid: 9 Yards, starring Bruce Willis, was a great movie.

Okay. I'm looking through the window into the bowl of Cocoa Puffs that is your memory of these movies, & I just want you to know that no matter what, when you get done going down the yellow brick road of Fruit Loops, that I will be here, sitting on the bench, & talking with Keanu Reeves about how much we both hated Forrest Gump - First Blood. Okay?

Nobody's righteous fury towards that shitshow could compare with Keanu's.