Metamorphosis - A blighthly winged moth

in exopolitics •  8 years ago  (edited)

I was awake but I had no knowledge of how I had gotten to this place, a cave not too deep in the ground because natural sunlight was streaming through a hole which appeared to be the size and shape of a large knot hole which are found in many large old trees and often house birds or squirrels. The cave roof appeared to have tree roots which formed a strange kind of roof and I tried to imagine what the ground above might look like in case I wanted to try and find this place again, on my own. I was not looking too closely at the surroundings because just a few feet from me was a being and I did not know what sort of being this was. I had not seen a being of this type before in any alien A - Z resource, not in any viewing of Agartha through the sensori-neural dome. I had not seen it in art work that comes up in a google image search of demons or a painting by Blake.

I was in a crouching position as was this being. The Guardian, the large Mantis who has been my teacher, guide and protector since before I was born was with me, had brought me here. But why? The Guardian was eerily silent, no telepathic thoughts were passed to me, I was to discern for myself and it was frustrating because no thoughts passed to me from the being and no thoughts were passing between the Mantis and the being. Finally a sound, a chirp - I looked to the source and it was a beautiful bluebird, a male Eastern bluebird. Native to the area where I live.

I was cautious and I did not move, the being appeared almost skeletal, tall, probably stretching to seven feet in a standing position. It had three large toes forming what appeared as a type of bird foot with claws on each of the toes. No neck, face pulled toward its chest with shoulders raised. Sort of like a frightened little league catcher whose helmet is too heavy. Its arms were long and thin. Its color was almost translucent, a sheen which caused the skin color to reflect the sunlight and give a swirl of color like water droplets on dirty oil left by a motor vehicle dripping oil. The color appeared as mostly beige with pinks and blues. There were some old-style wooden boxes, the kind which were used to deliver bottled milk before plastic. The being appeared as moving only after stretching its fingers before me with its knuckle area sinking low and outstretched fingers rising, indicating I should remain still. It reached for something, but I did not take my eyes away to look to the Mantis for reassurance or guidance. I was contemplating, wondering to myself: 'Is this a demon, a hybrid insect?' it has a place where wings should be attached, as the bones of the back and shoulder are like that of a glass-winged moth.

This being is here alone in a cave and appears to live alone, it does not look to be a part of the giant races who have fought battles that have caused destruction in our solar system. It could be from a race of beings who found the earth's environment unsuitable to their immune system and left earth. Did some of that kind remain? Is this the last of his kind? It does not appear reptilian, like the strange iquanoid beings that have ridges on their heads or the funny faced chameleon beings that remind me of Kermit-the-frog which I have seen in the moon-base 6th floor laboratory, giving eggs. It does not look like the 7-foot tall lizards with tails that have crocodile faces and which I have seen by remote viewing on the Mars base laboratory, where the Eva-borgs are being grown in whale skin sacs, submerged in huge glass or clear solid cylinders, the pseudo-amniotic fluid laced with various types of materials which are nearly identical to what is used in vaccines, to strengthen the immune function of the cloned females - the amniotic fluid is sprayed to the surface, as it is changed to prevent the clones from being eaten by bacterial, fungal growth.

It does not look like the Naygumak, the plasma creature(s) which are themselves the bio-weapons of the dark force energy, the plasma energy which goes through metamorphosis when it reaches an animal host creating a hair-like fiber that produces a waxy glue and stretches the space available for the continuing development of the adaptable plasma, which uses the residues from plastic which we, humans, ingest as we blindly purchase the foods which are packaged for us in ready-to-use bottles, the same plasma bio-weapon that extracts nylon and metallic fibers from the tags of our clothes, or the elastine and polyester which it uses as part of its machinery to begin the process of manufacturing a network of communication, a fiber optic network within our human body that is used to receive signals that are registered by our reptilian brain and activated by microwaves.

I remember seeing the blue giants that were among the off-world beings who have taken part in altering the DNA of earth humans and who were among those who participated in this 8000-year period of deception. A war was fought, and the beings who do not look like us either had to leave or go underground. Agartha has been mostly peaceful for many tens of thousands of years. There are areas where off-world beings come to gather resources, and they can be hostile, very hostile, but the areas where they gather their resources are generally uninhabited. A chance encounter would likely result in abduction or demise of the earth's unlucky observers, a challenge too good to be missed for the Deep State, a chance to play war games, following on from the 'encounter' in the Men-in-Black stories. Why? Not time to let the cat out of the bag, not yet time for disclosure. Hush the military who survived, [see also Phil Schneider, Jim Marrs, Alfred Lambremont Webre]. For nearly 8000 years we have been following their playbook, their time-line. They are always three steps and a hundred years ahead of us. I am thinking about how the myths - a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events' - of many cultures include positive stories about blue-skinned gods and that is why the Archons (the Draconians) were used by the dark force energy to create the blue-skinned bulbous-nosed porpoise-skin-covered 7-foot tall Orion robots.

Now, I relax and move to a lotus position. The floor of the cave is warm and the ground is smooth, like sitting on a river rock. The strange demon-looking being lays a half-inch thick notebook of writing paper in front of me and drops a pen on top. A black pen of the most common type. The notebook looks like it might have belonged to a student, doodles on the cover and 3B written in the upper right hand corner. I understand I am to write something. So, I begin and I write about my experience of seeing the Naygumak plasma being levitated in the cloning laboratory on the Mars base. There is a large circular domed room and all around the walls are the Eva-borgs. It was hoped that the Eva-borgs could be programmed to interact as normal humans on their way to earth, and that these nearly indestructible and very powerful females could be used by the deep state to control or overpower a group of non-earth humanoids which have been working with the deep state for 70 years following agreements made for technology which allow this 'Nordic humanoid' species unlimited access to our planet and allow also for them to use our resources, including human resources. I write about the rhinoceros-sized Naygumak plasma body being rotated before me by two grays, a Mantis and a Mantis-Avian hybrid. I see the shape and color, the appearance is identical to a tardigrave or tardi bear, a material which is not plant or animal, does not require oxygen and which cannot be killed by heat or cold, it is self-reproducing, its butt is also its mouth. I have seen how the plasma can be cut and the chunk which drops off will respond to the environment - given a food source it can spread itself out thinner than a sheet of cling wrap for maximum access to the skin cells, body fluid, blood, oils, of the animal it has attached to. Place on a raw piece of meat (I think it was lamb), and within hours hairs grew and a hole devoured through the center of the meat chunk and it appeared that the chunk of meat, which had been ten or twenty times larger than the plasma matter initially, would be completely consumed. The living animal exposed to the plasma would just keep making more new skin. A lot of the lab work also done in the moon-base labs has to do with skin and the immune system. I realize I have forgotten about the creature, my location. I am lost in my thoughts and writing about Mars. I pass the paper notebook to the being.

I wait, and as I wait I am thinking about the different ways that beings communicate and how they - the Deep State, the Archons - have managed to fool us into believing they - the Draconians, the Greys - are telepathic. They can read emotions, fear, anger, anxiety, panic, hunger, pain. They enslaved beings such as the Mantis who are telepathic, have extraordinary remote viewing abilities and can see a far greater color spectrum than humans. They enslaved humans and other humanoid races who have far superior dexterity and the potential for developing telepathic and remote viewing skills when opening up our chakra systems. I was drawn back to the task as the strange being gave me a yellow paper which may be called vellum with his writing in a font most like Copper Plate. I read the notes and understood the experience to be an opportunity to interact with a misunderstood and displaced but very wise old being. The notes included that I needed to expand my use of description, stay focused on the topic and contract in areas of general knowledge to keep the attention of my readers.

Again, I was asked to write and this time I wrote about how I wanted to move forward with a Unity in the Community - Ubuntu project. How I envision the process and where I have seen and heard about various different ways an Ubuntu project can be side-tracked. For instance, a benevolent donor offers the land and then the community forms and things progress but the landowner has retained the deed and formed a consortium and the consortium appoints a board of directors and then the profits from the community are taken over by the consortium. The community is 'given' what it needs and we are right back to authority, a monetary system. I have seen where the idea of an Ubuntu can be to have the best laboratories, the best hospitals, the best industry. I believe differently. Hospitals create horrid waste and the incinerator sends that 'indestructible' bio-weapon staph-infused plasma into the environment creating the highest level of illness in areas that have hospitals. Labs create poisons and industry creates pollution. I passed the notebook to the being and wished I had spell check. This time, the yellow vellum with the near-perfect letter formation included that my writing was more forceful when I was passionate about the topic and focused on a single subject.

A third time I was directed to write. This time I wrote about the sunflower-shaped floating seed pods that emerge from the plasma beings and seem to float or fly in the air, some dropping watermelon sized seeds as they split apart, others bursting, releasing what looks like dandelion fibers. How Mars red dirt contains bacteria, such as slime mold, which is being brought to earth and is being mixed with nano-dust and sprayed on our surface in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, the UK, Europe and once at an air show in Dubai, UAE. I asked: 'Who should I tell? and how do I share this information, and why me?' I shared my frustration at seeing books with pictures of a military professional shaking hands with a person representing a Nordic and looking like the prototypes for a new Ken and Barbie doll collection. I shared what I think about the Deep State, which does not want us to know that there are benevolent beings who are going through this ascension process with us and that we are capable of opening up our consciousness and communicating with them, as the animals communicate with them. They do not want us to know that they have been in power and they have followed the Luciferian religion which was created to include the rituals which are necessary for the Draconians to progress and maintain control.

We have been given the crystal energy information which supports us as we go through this process of growing into our 12 chakra system. We have been given the knowledge that we have been conditioned to see and hear and believe and behave as they have determined to be in their best interest. They hide behind words like 'expert' and 'authority' but we are our own experts and authority. They want us to believe that 'they' are in charge of 'disclosure' because they control the media. Only when a news story picks up that the beaches along the western coast of the USA are covered in cucumber-sized spongy, rubbery things which are actually hundreds of thousands of small things working together as a collective, do we find out they exist, and then we are told by NASA or NOAA they are harmless when in the same video the expert in the lab said 'We don't know what they are'. But the whales knew - some got infected and beached themselves and the rest went to the New York harbor where we hear the happy news that the whales have returned since we cleaned up the harbor after a 100 year absence. They want us to believe there are 'people' in Agartha and they look just like us, and they all wear clothes that look amazingly like choir robes. Amazing, there is the Asiatic group, the Nubian group and the Nordic group. A few lizard-like, some elephant-nosed irritable ones and a few dangerous Draconians which are being monitored. Nothing to worry about. Hollywood has got it covered, your secret space program is on top of it. Of course, that's why we are still being poisoned with pesticides and the EPA, FDA and every other 'A' we have relied upon has been part of and still is part of the agenda to control and enslave humanity. Enough is enough.


And, then I was home and in my bed - exhausted. I began to search the internet and eventually I found that there is a story of the Mothman and he appeared in a small town in West Virginia on my 10th birthday. It was during this time that I began beading the thunderbird pattern bracelets and continued until high school proudly wearing my embroidered thunderbird on my jean jacket. I remembered that last week I shared a poem about a blightly-winged moth. So, perhaps this is why I was given audience with The Mothman.

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About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically. Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
The Kingmakers
also: Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.

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