Any excuse to raise gas prices.

in exploitation •  7 years ago 

Again the big oil compnaies are raping the little people. This whole farce of gas prices going up because of Hurricane Harvey is a scam. They are saying that the oil refineries in Houston provide 25% of the oil in America. Bull!!!! Last I heard, everyone was having a fit because oil companies were exporting our oil to foreign countries because it makes more money over there. Now they say one city provides a quarter of all our gas. Come on; how stupid are we. I know that all the oil share holders are happy because stocks are up, and that supposedly helps the economy. But I can tell you from personal experience, it hurts a lot of other venues. Here in Roswell NM, we are a tourist based economy. A large part of that economy is base on people coming to visit, are spending disposable income (extra money). Very few of these people have stock investments in oil. So that ideology that oil stock holders will be spending money, goes right out the window. The economy is soley dependant on the power of ALL the people,not just those who have stocks in oil or any other industry remotely related to it. When Gas prices go up people should not be held captive and feel they have to pay the extra bucks for gas; thereby not spending on things they enjoy. Not buying gas brings prices down.
I Truly do sympothise with the victims in Houston and now those in Florida and have donated to helping them. But that's no excuse for the crooks (oil, food, and water industries) that are exploiting those situations. $100.00 for a case of bottled water in Houston? Come on!!!! And the idiot that was on Fox News justifying it would change his veiws if he or his family should have to endure such tragedy.

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Yes no reason when inventory levels are the highest in a long time. Just beating up the small consumers.