Prevention is better than curesteemCreated with Sketch.

in exploretraveler •  8 years ago 

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Lady be very careful in puchasing and maintenance of your underwears
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Very true. I've seen a live case from a victim during my undergraduate days in Uniport (UPTH to be precise). Larvae (live maggots) practically came out from her breast,but she was lucky enough that no complications arose. Futher findings revealed that it was due to the eggs deposited by a female specie of a fly called the TUMBU FLY(those big putzi green flies we see around). The eggs probably was deposited on her bra when she washed and hung in the open to dry.Because the skin has pores, the microscopic eggs found their way into the skin where they were incubated into the larvae(maggot) stage, as our body temperature enables this. Saddly,this can happen to both males and females. You can goggle it out to educate yourselves more. Bottom line is:
*Do not spread your underwears inside-out;I mean, always spread them with the front, not the reverse.
*If possible, try to iron all underwears/ clothings before putting them on;Ironing isn't only to make our clothes straight, but also to kill any parasitic organism on them.
Hope you found this helpful.

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Prevention are ideal very importanr

This is very much neccesary

I remember my primary school days when teachers asked class prefects to write names of talkatives. There was this squad called 'odeshi'; whenever names of talkatives were being written, that's when they made the most noise.
This is because no matter how many times or how hard teacher caned them they would never scream or cry.
Their names were always at the top and always had double punishment or triple punishment attached.
The serious students on the other hand did not really make noise but sometimes
just whispering to someone made them find their names on the list of talkatives .
When the teacher came for the list to cane, those 'odeshi'; knew themselves so they would even not wait till their names were mentioned.
As the teacher begun to mention the names the serious student would hear his name and say "Oh Sir but i did not
talk?" Then the teacher would reply, "But how come your name is on the list?"
So by all means the serious student would be caned.
It turned out that all those who were jumping about and
disturbing the class end up being equal with those who just whispered.
This is how the end is going to be.
Some people have sold their souls to the devil, they have signed contracts with hell, so won't be surprised to see
themselves there.
With this kind of mentality they make sure they really
enjoy life before their death.
But what a believer? Beloved, what about you? Would you go
to church, sing, dance, play instruments, teach, preach, prophesy, lead choir, usher, pay huge offerings, pay all tithes, blow tongues, only to find yourself in hell?
Dont let the little sin you could have avoided lead you to hell...
Forgive others their sins as God has forgiven you. Make good use of your days on earth so that you can give a proper account to your MAKER.
Don't let the whispering sin make you equal with hell racers!
save a soul

Don't let the whispering sin make you equal with hell racers!

That is what we need to pass across