The growth of the Indian furniture industry over the years can be easily measured from the high rate of the domestic market's handcrafted furniture demand first before export activities.
Even now, the unorganized handicraft furniture sector of India makes up for a greater percentage of the revenue and market margin of the Indian furniture industry. This is because of the innovative growth in this sector of the Indian furniture market to include products that are more modern and growing export trades out of India to countries like the USA, UK, Australia, etc.
However, you cannot talk about the furniture industry of India without talking about Jodhpur furniture manufacturers. This is because of the undeniable magnitude of contribution the blue city has made to the furniture industry of India.
The city's involvement and influence on the Indian furniture market have been felt since before the surge in the Indian furniture export sector.
However, in recent years Jodhpur furniture market has experienced exponential growth in the Indian furniture export sector through its increased output level.
You might be wondering what is responsible for this massive involvement and acknowledgment of the Jodhpur furniture market in the Indian furniture exporters industry. Below is some of our analysis as to why Jodhpur is evolving as a major furniture export market.
Jodhpur Climate is Dry which is Ideal for Furniture Manufacturing and Finishing
Jodhpur is a beautiful city located in the north western region of Rajasthan India. The city is also known as the Sun City of India and for good reason. This is because the weather in Jodhpur remains bright and sunny all around the year, unlike other regions. Being a city set in the landscape of the Thar Desert, the city's climate is hot and semi-arid with brief rains coming just around July to August.
Consequently, the furniture industry derives great benefits from this climate setting because it encourages furniture manufacturing and finishing. This is especially true for the wooden furniture market, which India is best known for. Wood and metal furniture have better chances of surviving dry climates than wet regions.
This in turn helps with the manufacturing process, which is not hindered by weather and of course furniture finishing. The problem certain wood materials will encounter in their life span is likely splitters from too much sun exposure or moisture retention damages.
Working with a dry and hot climate enables manufacturers to easily fit in the most suitable finishing for furniture pieces to curb these problems.
Flowing from this, demand for well-constructed and durable furniture designs out of Jodhpur keeps rising. As a result, many market savvy players have moved operations or started investing heavily into the Jodhpur furniture market thereby causing a growing market availability and demand for furniture exporters from Jodhpur.
Availability of Skilled Labour
One important aspect of every production line particularly in the field of craftsmanship is the issue of skilled labor. Only people who are well vast in the field of furniture manufacturing can be capable of providing something worth trusting by exporters and importers alike.
Jodhpur is known along with the commercial sector for its acclaimed involvement in the Indian handicraft industry for several years.
Jodhpur population is largely involved in handicraft and many Indian handicraft items come from Jodhpur. This has influenced the evolvement of the Jodhpur furniture export sector because many furniture manufacturers and investors can trust the quality of labor available in the city. After all, the skills will be well represented on the exporter's products.
Conclusively, Jodhpur furniture market actors have evolved so much in the lines of production designs and so forth to the point that furniture exporters from Jodhpur like Best of Exports can provide a fairly competitive market option with varieties for importers.