Luna's eye saga continues with repeated testing & delays to the MRI scan

in eye •  6 years ago  (edited)

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We drove three hours across France yesterday to see the best this country has to offer in children's eye specialists. In the above shot you can see clearly how Luna's magic eye is dilated and unable to look to her right, as the other is doing.

I call it magic because the truth of it is that we have no idea how she sees the world through it. She is too young yet to tell us much about it, but we have at least confirmed she can see through it.

We have noticed three things about her magic eye which make it different to the other:

  • constantly dilated pupil
  • can't look right
  • fractionally droopy eyelid

It was confirmed yesterday that these three things are actually connected by a common nerve, which is a good thing because this makes it less likely to be related to the long list of bad things we were previously told it could be.

During the last six months we have seen a total of four doctors in our nearest city Perpignan, the last of which suggested we see the specialists in Montpellier where they can give her an MRI (brain scan) so that we can put all this silliness behind us.

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A day trip to Montpellier

Instead of just giving us the scan they insisted on spending the entire day repeating tests which had already been done in Perpignan. Am not sure if this was through lack of trust (for the provincial doctors) or lack of access to information. Interestingly, blockchain tech looks set to solve the latter of these problems.

The laughable wooden bird

The test they wanted to repeat was this:

Holding her head still we had to get her to look left, right, up & down multiple times and the most advanced thing these 'specialists' had to get this job done was a wooden bird on the end of a pen.

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Cutting edge stuff. Not all that surprisingly this held her attention for no more than a few seconds, never long enough to complete the full examination, no matter how many different coloured birds on pens they pulled out of their top pockets.

How is it that in this age of technology a bird on a pen is the best we can come up with?

Why not something with flashing lights? Or better still, something like a small screen playing a film, so there is both audio & visual?

Dare I say it, it was almost as if these doctors wanted it to take a long time.

Three doctors later they managed to establish the same results as the Perpignan doctors and finally, right at the end of the very long day we were referred to one final doctor who told us we should have an MRI scan to be safe.

Yes, we know that already! Isn't that why we travelled half way across France???

Apparently not. It was just to repeat basic tests and be told to return in three months.


Personally I feel ready to let all of this go without the scan but all these doctors have done a great job at injecting fear into my partner Sabrina, who now feels like the scan is essential.

So, it will be done.


For those of you not familiar with the outstanding cuteness of Luna, you may enjoy her Bitcoin prediction here, shot the day before our hospital trip.

Finally, just to change the subject, I have included this panoramic shot captured a few days ago, showing a hail storm across the other side of the valley from us.

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Feels beautifully dramatic with the setting sun.

How lucky we are to live here :)

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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God bless
Since you are in France I would contact someone in Germany...
The worst are the Italians then I believe the French take the 2nd place...
God bless

You're an idiot.


Posted using Partiko Android

I have heard the same thing.

All we really need is the MRI scan so we can see there is nothing unusual going on with her brain.

Though in truth one only has to spend a few minutes with her to know there is nothing serious going on here.

Goodness! I am glad you are getting an MRI and sorry you are going through this. Those three functions are not governed by a common muscle but I believe they share a common nerve (occulomotor nerve, which is cranial nerve 3). Do you know if she can see with that eye? Vision is a different nerve, CN 2 which is the optic nerve.
Take care, and good luck finding answers.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the nerve point. The doctors were speaking in French and I am not yet too confident in the language! I should probably adjust the post as not to give incorrect info...

To answer your question she is able to identify things at a distance with the good eye covered so we assume it works perfectly. Do you have some experience in this field?

I am a pediatric occupational therapist so I have some knowledge of neurology and physiology. My role is to assess function and help people get better, but I rely on doctors to do the testing to figure out the cause of the issue and recommend treatment.

I have not seen this issue before, so I had to look it up before I commented to confirm that pupil dilation, eye movement, and eyelid all run on the same nerve. They do, so my guess is that something is affecting that nerve. It could be as simple as inflammation causing a nerve palsy, and I'm not sure if an MRI can show that, but an MRI will look inside to see if there is anything in there causing damage (important to know!)

Posted using Partiko Android

I was thinking the same thing - nerves can certainly be affected by pressure of various kinds. I notice from looking at the pathway of that nerve that it runs close to the sinus. I see in this study, that it is apparently possible for sinus infections to cause palsy in that region. Worth looking into.

Thanks for this. I have just spent the last hour reading lots of useful stuff.

And as soon as Sabrina wakes up I have some eye tests to do on her.

I found that "There is some evidence of a familial tendency to the condition" and am wondering now if she doesn't have something similar, though less extreme. A confirmation of oculomotor nerve abnormalities in Sabrina would point towards this being a genetic inheritance.

Sinus inflammation is a possibility but I feel like this genetic connection is the more likely cause.

Thank you for taking the time to look this up. With the great info from yourself & @ura-soul I have been reading up on this for the last hour and feel sure what we are looking at here is partial oculomotor palsy. And (as I mentioned to @ura-soul) "There is some evidence of a familial tendency to the condition" which made me think of some minor abnormalities I have spotted with one of Sabrina's eyes.

I will be giving her a quick eye test when she wakes up. Something similar to the bird on the pen test!

I feel certain this is genetic now. Though I will know more in an hour ;)

You see this a lot with children who's parents allow toxic vaccines to be injected into them. Sad but just another statistic....

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Neither of our kids have ever received any kind of vaccination or medical industry drug. I have been writing about the dangers of vaccines for a long time here:

So, it's not that.

Why did you flag the comment by @kingyus?

I don't have much idea regard to this disease,but our prayer will be there with you and your family @sam.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think it is a disease. Just something she was born with.

But your prayers and positive thoughts are always appreciated 🙏🏻

❤️❤️❤️ sending you and your fam strength .... it’s always best to be that educated parent... thanks for sharing and thanks for the post ... have a fabulous night my Steem friend

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your positivity.

It is a fabulous night every night around here ;)