Eye Infection Conjunctivitis symptoms and measure to prevent

in eyeinfection •  last year 

Common symptoms of conjunctivitis include:

Red or pink appearance in the white of the eye.
Watery or thick, yellowish discharge from the eye.
Gritty or itchy sensation in the eye.
Swollen eyelids.
Sensitivity to light.
Crusty eyelids or lashes, especially in the morning.
If you suspect you have conjunctivitis, it is essential to seek medical advice from an eye doctor or a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. They will determine the underlying cause of the infection and recommend the most suitable treatment, which may involve:

For bacterial conjunctivitis: Antibiotic eye drops or ointment.
For viral conjunctivitis: Symptomatic relief and allowing the infection to run its course, as viral conjunctivitis does not respond to antibiotics.
For allergic conjunctivitis: Antihistamine eye drops or other allergy medications.
For irritant conjunctivitis: Avoiding the irritant and using artificial tears to relieve symptoms.
To help prevent the spread of conjunctivitis to others and avoid reinfection:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after touching your eyes.
Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes.
Use separate towels and washcloths for your face and eyes.
Change your pillowcases frequently.
Avoid sharing eye makeup, contact lenses, or contact lens accessories.
Remember, while conjunctivitis is often a mild and self-limiting condition, it's still essential to seek professional advice for an accurate diagnosis and proper management to prevent potential complications and promote a quicker recovery.

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