
in f •  last month 

Nobody has time to wait at least 18 months for stupid permits to be approved as their houses were burned down in the fires in Los Angeles; people would likely give up and move away. The mayor was like you guys can go back right now, oh I mean in a week but you gotta be safe; Trump was like a week is a long time; the problem is people robbing jewelry, gold, money, valuables, and God knows what from the rubble of the buildings; these fires could have been prevented and more so they were probably done on purpose as an excuse for a land grab same as what they're doing in Hawaii and the East Coast.

Drove to church; moved furniture around in the computer laundry room; watched: Saturday Night Live - Founding Fathers Cold Open - SNL, Donald Trump, Fox News - President Donald Trump: We have a 'great love' for the people in California, Live Now Fox - Trump criticizes FEMA during North Carolina Helene tour, Austin American-Statesman - Full Trump press conference: After LA fires tour, panel focuses on rebuilding & wildfire prevention, Original Sin 107, Ron Gibson - SATURDAY BROADCAST: IN THE LAST 5 DAYS, PRESIDENT TRUMP IS DEVASTATING THE FORCES OF GLOBALISM, Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 1/26/25 • In His First 6 Days as President, Trump Has Successfully Launched, Prime Target 101


Screenshot at 2025-01-27 00-33-58.png
Prime Target

Oatmeal Daily - 2025-01-26 - Sunday | Published in January of 2025


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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Discord Drama

2025-01-26 - Sunday - 02:12 PM - Discord Log

Oatmeal World lives rent free in the minds of my trolls who banned thousands of people from the Discord Server I created in 2019, after raiding my server on Sunday, the 12th of January of 2025, they led many accounts to join Porridge World

Belle wrote people only join my server because I embarrass myself online and ping everyone all the time to remind them they're in the server

But truth be told:

Yeah you're right I embarrass myself and ping people a lot

But not all the time

I also sleep sometimes too

And I just ate some boiled eggs with humus and it was good; but $100 for a few bags of groceries at Fred Meyer's is not; Biden did that; hope inflation goes down soon

Twitter Tweets

04:25 PM

Nobody has time to wait at least 18 months for stupid permits to be approved as their houses were burned down in the fires in Los Angeles; people would likely give up and move away

The mayor was like you guys can go back right now, oh I mean in a week but you gotta be safe; Trump was like a week is a long time; the problem is people robbing jewelry, gold, money, valuables, and God knows what from the rubble of the buildings; these fires could have been prevented and more so they were probably done on purpose as an excuse for a land grab same as what they're doing in Hawaii and the East Coast

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

12:36 AM
Austin American-Statesman - Full Trump press conference: After LA fires tour, panel focuses on rebuilding & wildfire prevention

01:07 AM
Trump vs the California blue female goon who lied saying people can begin rebuilding in Los Angeles tonight, there was a back and forth between her and Trump, somebody outside of the panel started asking questions about the fires

She later backpedaled from saying immediately to saying it would take a week; she was like we have to get bad stuff off the properties before they can allow people to rebuild; Trump was like let them rebuild; similar things happened with the fires in Hawaii where they didn't let the locals return to rebuild; similar things also happened in 2024 on the East Coast with the floods and hurricanes

Trump was like hey blue Smurf you gotta use your emergency powers like I did, she was like I did but that was when she started saying oh it will take a week before you can return to your home; Trump was like a week is a long time; so, the government in California is still up to no good; they could have a sprinkler system where water shoots out of houses and buildings during fires like Japan has

Original Sin 107

2025-01-26 - Sunday - 01:13 AM - Dexter: Original Sin 107

First time for Trump to show up to his own crime scene, he got a crocodile to eat the remaining arm, he got the other cops to think he was attacked by the wild animal, the black chick was not totally sure but the Asian had his back. Dexter dumped his next body in a dumpster for the garbage truck to pick up.

Prime Target 101

2025-01-26 - Sunday - 11:30 PM - Prime Target 101

In a country like Iraw, there was like a gas leak, an explosion, part of a street and ice cream shop and mother and daughter fell into a secret ancient library that is like a thousand years old. Gay UK dude makes a theory that the DNA and key to the universe is in prime numbers, a pattern. People are like spying on his math teacher. Looks like he was murdered.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Original Sin 107

2025-01-26 - Sunday - 01:13 AM - Dexter: Original Sin 107

09:00 AM
Austin American-Statesman - Full Trump press conference: After LA fires tour, panel focuses on rebuilding & wildfire prevention

09:25 AM

08:32 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 1/26/25 • In His First 6 Days as President, Trump Has Successfully Launched

Prime Target 101

2025-01-26 - Sunday - 11:30 PM - Prime Target 101

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Nap Saturday night around 09:00 AM to around midnight, around 3 hours. Went to bed around 02:30 AM. Woke up around 08:30 AM. Breakfast: 09:00 AM. Drove Jane and mom to church, parked near the front door near a truck, arrived around 10:35 AM. Talk to the big guy about being lost. Sat near Sawn. Sharon said I sung well. Nate sermon on trusting God, I prayed last night for God to eat Larry's cancer which the body is always eating up cancer especially when you are fasting which is what he's doing, it's just a question of can you defeat the cancer faster than the cancer can grow, its a tug a war. Cliff and Shawn talked to me about parallel parking. Said hello to the old lady with the walker. I drove them to the gas station but to the wrong side, there is a gas icon with an arrow, so drove around, she showed me how to fill the car with gas, music drove mom to walk into Fred Meyer's which was next to us, I parked, we shopped, I got nuts and different flavors of humus, I backed the car into our driveway, food unloaded, brought home from church potatoes and coffee grounds in paper bags. Jane ate a boiled egg. Lunch: 01:40 PM. Some organizing today, moved shelves and things around in the computer laundry room, helped Jane do her laundry, clothes into the dryer and then into her laundry bag. Did that while organizing, dishes. Took photos of the computer laundry room. Nap around 04:40 PM to 08:00 PM, around 3 hours. Bit of a headache. Woke up to them coming home, mom said Larry wasn't doing so good today. Dinner: 08:36 PM. Took a Tylenol around 10:00 PM or after and two more Magnesium for my slight headache I had after my nap today. Under the weather a bit right now. Dishes for a sec. Food log: Breakfast: milk, last of the yogurt with strawberry, used water to get out the last bits of the yogurt from the container, 09:00 AM. Lunch: 3 boiled eggs with humus, 01:40 PM. Dinner: big instant pot stew, of beans, deer meat, green beans, only ate a small portion as I was not feeling very hungry and also felt full, 08:36 PM. Reese's peanut butter cups which was a favorite of Larry's, 10:30 PM. Premium Protein strawberry drink, around 5 of the candy cane balls, apricot & mixed fruits sauce, Mott's active blastin' berry drink.

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