Are You Taking Advantage of These 3 Strategies to Boost Facebook Fan Engagement?

in facebook •  6 years ago  (edited)

If you’re reading this article, I’m assuming you’ve already downloaded our free ebook that shares 55 ways to increase engagement on Facebook and are looking for more tips, right? If you haven’t already, download it now!

So, if you’re looking to give your Facebook marketing efforts a boost for the new year, here are 3 useful strategies to increase engagement and get the most out of this social media site:

1. Be strategic about when you post on Facebook and how often.

While this may vary depending on your industry, research indicates that you will get the most engagement from your fans on Facebook when they are not at work, so typically between the hours of 8pm and 7am. In fact, Buddy Research indicated that posts made between these hours generated 20 percent more interaction.

The best brands on Facebook post regularly throughout the week, but there seems to be an uptick in engagement with posts made on Wednesdays and Sundays. This same research revealed that brands that post on Facebook between 1 and 4 times per week receive 71 percent higher user engagement. While you don’t want to be MIA with your fans on Facebook, you also don’t want to constantly clog up their newsfeeds with your updates.

2. Consider the type of content that generates the most engagement on Facebook.

Inspire your fans to jump into a conversation with your brand on Facebook by asking open-ended questions. Doing this will double your comments rate and will help to keep your business visible in your fans’ newsfeeds.

3. Keep your status updates simple.

Brief posts that are approximately 80 characters in length receive an engagement rate that is 66 percent higher than longer, wordy posts. Try to be as concise as possible to craft the perfect Facebook post. Also, keep in mind that sharing a single photo is a very powerful way to earn engagement.

As you evaluate your Facebook marketing strategy for the new year, would you agree that these strategies will help inspire more engagement from your fans? What do you plan to do to make your business stand apart from the competition on Facebook this year?

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