Facebook Attack Response By Dr. Ben

in facebook •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear Responders to my on Facebook soliciting for support for my Breast Cancer Prevention Research on Steemit:

For those of you who answered honestly I appreciate you though none of you actually showed support in the way I actually requested unless you actually created an account on Steemit and upvoted my post.

Most of you have all appeared to miss the point of who I am, what I do, what I have accomplished, and what I am trying to accomplish in particular those of you who I deem to be my "Legacy Friends from H-town".

Houston, Texas where I first met most of you is a capital of mainstream medicine and thus you are all suffering unknowingly from a distortion field and blindness when it come to alternative medicine. I know it is difficult for any of you to understand alternative medicine (except maybe Teresa) much less where I am at now in my medical and spiritual journey. I've undergone many metamorphoses in the past few years and am likely a very different person than you remember from years ago.

My progression in medicine has gone something like this: Chemist-Biochemist-Biophysicist-MathematicalBiologist-Neuroscientist-EnvironmentalEcotoxicologist-BreastCancerResearcher-DoctorofSupplementalMedicine-Priest

I am a man with an inner divine spark of the Goddess of the utmost integrity. There is no "lie within me" (as Will suggests nay blatantly asserts) nor in anything that I do and there never has been. I've always endeavored to seek the truth with a capital T and I'm quite satisfied where I am in my life currently as well as where I have been in the past and where I'm going in the future.

I appreciate all of you responding to my post as it helps me understand where you are each at in your own spiritual journeys.

Here is what I gleaned from each of you who responded: (Heather, Trey, Rachel, John, Jeremy, Justus, Jeff, Theresa, Will)

From Heather and Rachel: I appreciate your constructive comments.

From Trey: I get that you are hung up with cognitive dissonance concerning Fluoride and I was disappointed with how many of my friends actually believe Fluoride is good for you. (Jeremy, Theresa). It's not and no amount of research you can show me will convince me otherwise as I have a deeper understanding concerning its toxicity as both as a chemist and also from a metaphysical perspective. To my friends, if you believe nothing else then know that I wish you the best which includes that you limit, flush out and detox fluoride, fluorine, chlorine, bromide halogens and heavy metals such as mercury from your bodies as I wish you all the best in health and otherwise.

From John Saboe: I have unfriend John temporarily to give him an opportunity to allow him to question and criticize my research through appropriate forums (my personal Facebook is not that forum). If anyone else would like ask questions about the research at a professional level (of you I think only perhaps Teresa is qualified to do so but I'm happy to answer all questions if they are posed in a respectful manner through the appropriate channel) then please email questions to my work email [email protected] OR create a SteemIt account and follow me ("healthwarrior") and add comments to the Steemit (not Facebook) post. Rather than respecting my wishes John kept trying to spam research questions to me on messenger even after I asked him 3 separate times to cease and desist asking formal research question in an informal forum and to email me instead. He seemed intent on saying that I am somehow not actually a chemist. So I sent him a copy of my American Chemical Society credentials. (my chemistry id# is 30777319) and blocked him on messenger. I feel two hundred lbs lighter getting that cylon sleeper agent off my Facebook ship.

Will, (Teresa, Jeff): I love you but your analysis that I am somehow being fraudulent or lying are completely unfounded and I take exception to all that you say. For a discussion concerning the field of medicine that I have created you can read about it www.imeddo.com/Guide.html Chapter 1. Please read and understand the health supplement mindset then feel free to contact me at my work email [email protected] if you have further questions concerning what is a DSM (Doctor of Supplemental Medicine). I get that some of you do not like some or part of the alternative medicine field. And some in alternative medicine even don't seem to respect others aspects of alternative medicine (Theresa). But like it or not alternative medicine is here to stay. The reason is in a nutshell, alternative medicine exists in the US mostly (not Europe) because in the US we have fake food whereas in Europe for instance the food is real (the good food is their alternative medicine) and it is not needed there. But here in the US, mainstream medicine is failing utterly (mainstream doctors are MD/DO's) and there is a very wide field of alternative medicine indeed. It is a very crowded field as the need is so great and there are many (Naturopathic Doctors, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and many more). If you do not want to acknowledge my DSM credential, it does not hurt my feelings, and indeed you are right I am not a mainstream doctor and that is on purpose. However, people thinking I lack credentials are sorely disappointed as when you dig deeper you will find my credentials go much deeper than people can imagine. Those who know me understand that the DSM credential which I have created to more succinctly describe who I am and what I do is very useful for those who wish to show me respect call me "doctor" and those who do not do not is by not doing it is an easy way to not show me respect. If you don't like it don't use it. I will tell you that there are many many people who do respect me and understand that by the ancient definition of being a doctor (not being in violation of the hippocratic oath) that I am in fact not only a doctor but unlike them a "real" doctor as they are injuring people and I am not. I help those who have slipped through the cracks of not only mainstream medicine but also other fields of alternative medicine, and I work with a very large cross section of alternative and holistic doctors and medical practitioners and medical personnel in a variety of fields both mainstream and alternative.

Most of you missed the entire point of the exercise. If you feel indignant that I want to teach you how to use a new social media platform that allows your comments to help me with my research goals as well as getting paid yourself for commenting (rather than getting nothing on Facebook) that is fine continue using Facebook. Of course it it not mandatory that you up vote my research especially if you neither like Breast Cancer Prevention research, don't like my research in particular, or don't like trying new things like new social media platforms. But for those of you who are my actually my friends who actually support my work and mission in bringing healing and enlightenment in the world, I deeply appreciate you.

For my "legacy friends" whom may have known me years ago but don't really know me that well anymore, I sincerely hope that you can continue on this amazing journey I'm am going on both in medicine and spiritually, but I if you don't want to then please voluntarily unfriend me. It's not like I'm going to suddenly change careers and stop being an alternative medicine doctor or somehow change my mind and somehow decide that fluoride is fine or anything so if that mortally offends you you will have to decide whether you can continue being friends with me if you want to remain on my personal Facebook page otherwise we can no doubt find better forums to interact such as in more specific forums for any of our overlapping interests. Every part of what I do is dedicated to health and anyone who is advocating for unhealthy things is subject to removal from any of my groups that I maintain including my personal Facebook page as I want all of my groups to be a safe, non-confrontational place for people with alternative beliefs both in medicine and in spirituality can hang out and discuss things.



Dr. A. Ben Goins MS DSM

If you have further questions, comments or concerns concerning my credentials, research or other professional related stuff please email me at [email protected]. Because of onslaught of harassment for becoming an alternative medicine doctor and for doing alternative medicine research, I would ask that anyone who would like to attack me at a professional level to go through the appropriate channels which is to email me questions in a respectful manner to my work email [email protected] and you will be answered in due time. I am planning on upgrading my social media and computer skills in the near future and experimenting with many new forums including Twitter (healthwarrior1 is my handle if you want to follow me there as well "healthwarrior" on steemit.

If you are a like minded alternative medicine supporting person as myself, please join my company Facebook page iMedDoHealth. If you are not a fan of alternative medicine then I would ask you to please find other outlets as the people in my communities desire peace. I also have a Facebook page for those interested in meditation "NeuGold Revelations"

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I'm into Dr. Morse. Followed.

Ben, I need to apologize. My frustration about your opaque appeals to authority or deflections any time I ask you a question about your research got to me, and in the process I skipped over any real concerns I had about your experiments and evidence and went straight to attacking your photospectroscopy calculations, which were correct. I was confused by some of your nonstandard terminology (iso-solvent vs isobestic), and - given the time since I last did photospectroscopy myself and my own poor memory of the process - read your paper too quickly, misreading your absorbtion values as raw values and not in absorption units (I did not realize your photospectrometer had a linear range of 4). Your photospectrographic calculations are accurate, and I apologize for questioning them and your credentials with regard to them. I still have concerns about your lack of an independent/different manufacturer control on that particular paper, and wish there was more depth on what specific single or combinations of other dissolved iodine species could cause this - I haven’t looked up the other spectra to compare.

The frustration I have (and, again, my response was inappropriate - I just wish I had been given the chance to correct in the thread it was made), is that your research and business is based on the mistrust of appeals to authority in mainstream medicine, yet in your own research you don’t see necessary to have peer review (publishing to for-pay journals), and deflect when questions are asked about efficacy beyond assumed/speculated effects on the body and anecdotes. I’m glad to see your disclaimer about what is meant by doctor of alternative medicine at he bottom of your posts now (as this distinction is extremely confusing to the general public without the disclaimer).

Thankyou John, I appreciate you saying that. Thankyou for putting your comment on SteemIt where it does me some good with cryptocurrency that I can use for lab equipment. I appreciate that you see that my spectroscopy wasn't quite as terrible as you initially thought. Thankyou for taking an interest in my first iodine paper http://medcraveonline.com/JCPCR/JCPCR-06-00191.pdf. Once everyone gets over the chemistry, I hope they can eventually see what I'm trying to open their eyes too, which is the significance of the second paper. Even if people don't like them, both papers raise awareness of thyroid and breast cancer prevention research, and I hope that history will look kindly on them as being pioneering works in a field of alternative medicine which I hope to see in my lifetime re-merge with mainstream medicine. People scoff at me, but it is still my goal in life to get a Nobel prize (or to be rich enough to create a better prize) for pioneering the field on how to use iodine nutrient correctly in a system with silver and gold which mark my word will eventually be recognized as nutrients as well. Wish me luck.