Is This The End For Facebook Pages?

in facebook •  7 years ago 

A few weeks ago Facebook released a new update to their algorithm that could severely affect organic reach of Facebook business pages. Perhaps sending many to their deaths.


I’m already seeing the effects happening now, I had an average reach of 30k - 60k per post which was already less than 3% overall reach as it was, I am now lucky if I get 10k and it is still going down.

The idea according to Mr. Zuck is to “focus more on creating meaningful relationships between real people.” Which is why they’ve now made changes to show less and less content from Facebook business pages on people’s newsfeed.

This will probably discourage many business page owners from continuing to develop content on the platform or literary force them to spend money on advertising in order to reach more of their own fans.

The obvious question is, are they doing this because they really care about people and creating “meaningful relationships?” Or because they want to generate more money via advertising?

Not all hope is lost

So what does this mean for all business page owners and any of those who run other community pages that are on Facebook?

It basically means that you will now have to shift your energy into creating more posts that generate comments between people not so much comments between the Facebook page that you’re running and people. You will have to find a way to get people talking amongst themselves. Posts that generate more comments will be the ones likely to be shown up on the newsfeeds more.

Do keep in mind that there were other algorithm changes that now penalize “click bait” and more recently also “engagement bait,” so what this means is that you cannot post directly telling people to like nor comment because that will now be seen as engagement bait, and it will limit your reach even further. So you’re going to have a think of new ways of creating engagement and entice people to talk to each other.

This leads me to believe that anytime you’re posting an article to your website or other websites for that matter will yield even less clicks than before.

What is remaining and may be one of the only few things left is to create more video content as well as live-streaming.

Post frequency

Post frequency may also be affected. So if you are one of those page owners who posts 20+ times a day, your posts’ reach will likely decrease and it may not even be worth posting as often anymore. Many had been ramping up their number of daily posts especially those with big pages as that usually showed different posts to more people.

It may be worth experimenting with reducing the number of daily posts by at least a third less.

Now this may be one of the reasons why not only are many Youtubers coming into Steemit but I am also foreseeing many Facebook page owners jumping ship as well. Only time will tell as more and more people find out about the Steemit platform.

Refer to:

Mark Suckerberg’s comment

News Feed FYI: Bringing People Closer Together

News Feed FYI: Fighting Engagement Bait on Facebook


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Who needs Facebook??? when we have STEEMIT....Steemit is the next evolution of the social media technology progresses, newer applications will replace older ones.... Steemit is the best =)

Agreed on the potential of Steemit. There are however many who still have a vested interest in other social media channels for one reason or another. We can only hope Steemit keeps evolving as its community grows.

Things will change with time, new tech will disrupt established industries....maybe Facebook will make their own coin.....

Yeah who knows. Though more and more people are magnetizing towards a decentralized approach.

Yeah, so true....decentralization is the future....

Generating lead with facebook was already harder if you didn't have a lot of advertisement fund.It seems it just became a more difficult.

i have some friends who are already moving to alternate marketing sources like pinterest, stumbleupon , medium etc..

Thank you for the Information @valg

It’s always a good idea to diversify via different sources, however, the more sources you have, the harder it becomes to manage them. I think the best way is to focus on one or two. One if you really want to be laser-focused.

Hey @valg,

force them to spend money on advertising in order to reach more of their own fans.

Hasn't this always been Facebook's intent? Getting eyes on a page has become steadily less effective and increasingly expensive for some time.

I spent a couple years starting approximately three years ago writing and publishing fiction. Bestselling authors spending a minimum of $100 a day, every day, PER BOOK, to keep total royalties close to and above $10k/month was the norm. By the time I got out, that ROI was steadily decreasing each month... heaven knows what it is now.

Yes it seems it’s been their intent always. They just had more opportunities for growing things organically at first, then slowly starting hashing that down gradually so that you reached less and less of your own following. Now it’s been further reduced aggressively to giving little chances for organic growth even more than ever before.