in facebook •  6 years ago 

Facebook and Twitter are acting like THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH deciding what is and what isn't suitable for the public. Only the public must decide what is suitable for them and nobody else.

Good censorship? Nope. It's all bad. Why?

Because this hundreds accounts and pages mass purge is like ebay and Amazon purging all products they don't like.

Is it a good idea? No. Why?

It throws out the fundamental philosophy of the FREE MARKET CAPITALISM. Only the end user should decide what's good for them.
Facebook have the right to do whatever they want but ANY censorship is path to nowhere and I wish them good luck trying to recover from shaking hands with the devil himself.

Putin tried to do the same with VK.COM in Russia. VK said NO and now they have 100 million users and are the only popular social media where you can find ZERO censorship and people openly talk about all the things for which you'll be banned on any other social media.

First they came for the crazy right wing (Alex Jones InfoWar) and we laughed, now they came for the normal right wing, and someone is laughing now too, not knowing they are next.

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