facism 5 and Omar Khadr

in facism •  8 years ago 

To get on with more of fascism in Canada, the injunction made by a the widow of the U.S. soldier killed, and another blind in one eye, by a grenade that was thrown by Omar Khadr. The hearing in Canada is considered a tribunal hearing. And whether or not American lawyers are aware of this. The judge has already been told what to do. In Canada judges have taken an oath to do the will of parliament [the government of Canada]. Not many people know this. This change was made with their new constitution in 1982. Prior to this new constitution there were three levels of government. The elected, the judicial and the appointed Senate. Each of these groups was supposedly separate and independent of the government. It has now become clear that the judicial is not independent. The Senate still appears to be independent.

The prime minister [Justin Trudeau] has been adamant that this payout of $10.5 million be made. It wasn't just made, the prime minister made sure that the check was written, cashed and cleared on the same day. I have had money mailed to me by the government of Canada and it takes a few days to complete the transaction. However in this case, it is quite suspicious, that it all happened on one day. Who has the power to make that happen. We're getting reports now in Canada, of people who once voted for Justin Trudeau, and they will never vote for him again. Our soldiers are currently returning from war in Afghanistan, and Iraq who are not being properly looked after. I have a friend who is an advocate for injured soldiers. He confided in me that it is very disheartening to negotiate with the department of national defense. In his opinion they put up a vigorous struggle to withhold funding. For some soldiers, it has resulted in their suicides. In the extreme case, the soldier shoots his children, his wife and lastly himself. No help from the department of national defense to prevent their downwards spiral. But in the case of Mr. Khadr, his treatment is exceptional. He is a Canadian citizen. This disturbs me greatly. I will continue this. But for now I wanted to share my disdain and utter amazement at the behavior of the prime minister of Canada. I will stop here and wait for other news to come out regarding this case. But as I have pointed out this is fascism here in Canada. It has been developed over a period of time and we are now seeing the full effect. In the judge's statement, today, he said that there is very little hope that the decision made in America will be upheld in Canada. So you can see from his statement, the decision has already been made. Lawyers may talk all they want, the judge will probably shorten their legal arguments, but their statements will fall on deaf ears. And the Judge will deny the action.

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