Get to know about some mindblowing and cool technology facts that you might not know about. These are the top technology trending facts from all over the world.
So, let's get started.

Do you know that in 2017, more than 269 billions e-mails were sent to each other all over the world. If we calculate then over 2.6 million e-mails were sent each day. This is very huge amount and this is a cool fact.
A normal office worker receives more than 100 e-mails daily and most of them are spams.
If you want to send an e-mail to someone but you don't him/her to receive that email instantly then you should send it on Friday.3.

Nowadays, we have 32 GB, 64 GB pendrives in our pockets. But earlier, in 1956, the weight of 5MB hardrives were about a ton.

Microsoft's older name was Micro-soft. But the dash between 'micro' and 'soft' was removed and since then it is called Microsoft.

You must know about the 3D printing technology and printers. But, let me tell you that this technology is 30 years older. But why it is more popular now and not at that time? So, the patent for that technology was expired in the recent years and spread all over the world to everyone.

The highest capacity SSD in the world is about 60TB.

Nowadays, we have such technologies which can predict heart attacks four hours earlier with an accuracy of 80 % and this is very much. This technology is still getting better and better everyday. Many scientists are working
together on this technology. And one day, this technology could decreases deaths by hear attacks.

Google's deep mind AI (artificial intelligence) is getting more advanced everyday. You know that engineers fed 5000 hours of TV serial to it and the result was pretty amazing. It can do lip-reading with more accuracy than a professional lip reader after getting those 5000 hours of videos.
That's all and have a good day.