First Faery Friday October 25, 2019

in faeryfrieday •  5 years ago 

For today’s card pull, I am using the Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud with text by Jessica Macbeth. This is a single card pull since it is an oracle deck. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

Also I am listing on Spotify to Faeries: The Seelie Court Playlist Click on the name to listen to it.

What do the Fae want me to share?


Today’s card is number 14 - The Maiden:

Auspicious beginnings. Birth. Growth. Joy. Hope.

From her crown of light to her star-jeweled toes, the Maiden is pure joy. She is the face of the force that generates growth throughout all the worlds.

When she smiles, troubles melt. Where she dances, flowers spring from the ground and burst into bloom. It is from the Maiden that pixies learned the dance that keeps the otherworld turning - and probably our world, too, for that matter. She is newly born every morn, and she carols her plangent song of growth for all beings in all the worlds. She sees the magic and the light in everything and takes endless delight in it.

Yet even though the Maiden is so wonderful and powerful, she is a child and she needs to be cared for, nurtured, and cherished. When she takes the form of a flower, someone must see that she gets enough water and sun. Whenever we look after something new or young, we are caring for the Maiden, whether she is in the form of a blossom, a sapling, a baby, or an new idea. She, in turn, is likely to switch between joyfully and gratefully receiving such nurturing and insisting on an independence that she really isn’t ready for yet. She knows, deep within herself, what she needs to do and become, and she moves toward this with the directness of a child.

The Maiden also has the simplicity and curiosity of a child, seeing with unclouded eyes. She has an openness to life, love, new things, and new experiences. Every moment with her is an adventure, filled with playfulness and hope. Innocent, she is awakening to and learning about the world. Much of her learning comes with laughter and silly jokes, and she trusts what life gives her.

Every time we allow ourselves to be filled with joy, we become more like the Maiden.

The Maiden signifies new beginnings and growth. You couldn’t ask for a more auspicious card than this if you are beginning something new. Spontaneity, joy, growth, exhilaration, and promise for the future are signified here. We must note also that, in the early stages of any process, there is vulnerability and a need for protection, shelter, and guidance, but there is also a magical impetus toward burgeoning growth. Trust the process - but take care of the details as well.

The Maiden is also the inner child who needs to be under the supervision of a competent inner adult in order for her to feel secure and loved. She is not happy when we spoil her.

Consider what is growing in your life. Make a list of your hopes, dreams, and plans. Look for the growth within you, and think about how you can cherish and nurture that. Bless the growth you see around you.

When I pulled this card today I started to laugh since this is the first Faery Friday that I am doing. This card is all about auspicious beginnings. We are all staring something new and with the weekend coming I feel great energy of joy and hope. The card is more than me starting a new segment here. This is for all of us. Its a new day what are you going to make of it. This is one thing that my husband and I ask the kids every day. It is to know that no matter what happened yesterday you can make today into whatever you want it to be. This is one of the lessons that we feel they should learn.

If you aren’t starting something new, maybe for you to be more present, like a child is. They don’t worry or plan way in advance. It is all about what is happening right now. So be in that moment, and be fully present. Breath through it and just be. We all need to make sure that we aren’t living in the past or future all the time. Dreaming is great and doing things like vision boards, is fantastic. But don’t be so wrapped up in what will be and not see what is.

Yesterday we woke up to snow on the ground. My first thought was, “Yeah, Snow!” only to be followed by, “Now how to keep my kids warm.” Thinking about I should have stayed in with my first thought. I believe that it would have brought more joy to my whole family if we had taken a moment together in the snow. For me, I know I need to live more in the present moment. I am always trying to figure out what am I supposed to do next.

So if you are starting something new seize the opportunity and move forward. If you just need to be more present, breath. We all need that too. To a new day to you all!

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. And check out my website here. I am doing personal Astrology, Divination, Card and Astro Dice Readings. If you would like to have one please go to my website. Thanks so much for joining me on this Faery Friday.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.

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I love Brian Frouds art! What a great card to pull today

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I love him too. I have his Faeries book too.