The faith of the apostles: They were happy to have been considered worthy to suffer dishonor for speaking about Jesus. Acts 5:41

in faith •  4 months ago 

The Book of Acts tells how the times of the early Church were after its birth with the Christian Pentecost, these were difficult and violent times due to the oppression of the religious authorities in the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings.
The Book of Acts also explains that through the spiritual gifts of the apostles, the early Church grew enormously, the communion, the union of minds and hearts, was a daily occurrence: "They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and the prayers" Acts 2:42.
This is why it did not take long for the disciples to bear witness to their faith before their enemies, the Kingdom of God, the empire or dominion of divine perfections, was rejected by those who made injustice and ignorance a way of life. The disciples were gathering in Solomon's Portico in Jerusalem where they performed signs and wonders and so the High Priest along with the Sadducees filled with envy arrested the disciples. It is important to note that until that moment the followers of Jesus were not considered a religion but rather "the sect of the Nazarenes."
And so it was that in the Sanhedrin where the religious authorities met, doubts arose, so much so that one of its members stated: "However, if it's from God, you won't be able to stop them, and you may even discover that you are fighting against God!" Acts 5:39.
The members of the Sanhedrin, having heard these words, decided to release the disciples, but not before whipping them and forbidding them to preach the name of Jesus, but these acts and words on the part of the enemies of the Kingdom of God were counterproductive, the Bible relates that the disciples came out spiritually strengthened with these words: "They were happy to have been considered worthy to suffer dishonor for speaking about Jesus" Acts 5:41. This story from the Bible teaches that the meaning of life for every Christian is to bear witness of Jesus, and that the gift of perseverance, the determination to do good, is the key to success and beatitude.
The faith of the apostles. They were happy to have been considered worthy to suffer dishonor for speaking about Jesus. Acts 5,41.jpg
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