in fakecoins •  7 years ago 

FAKE COINS!!! DO NOT BUY!!! I REPEAT DO NOT BUY!!! These are the coins which are pumped by the creators of the coin to increase their prices . People get excited by looking at the tremendous gains these coins make in 24 hrs. Then they buy, leading to further increase in prices. The creator thens sells off aka dumps those coins leading to steep fall in prices . This may incur you huge losses on your hard earned money. So always analyse, study, read news and invest little amount in little known or new and dirty cheap coins. Thanks for watching the video. Comment, upvote and retweet if you liked it. Happy steeming.

Now these coins are arranged according to change in prices in 24 hrs



If you look closely, on the top there is CYDER coin. I have never heard of it.

Looking at the more than 5000% gains in just 7 days you might think why you didn't invest in it.
Don't worry you are lucky that you didn't know about that or you didn't invest. Because the gains this coin has made is not because people are buying it or because it is a wonder coin. The fact is that the creator of the coin is buying too much of the coin just to increase it's price. It is also known as pumping. Look at the chart.

Such a steep rise in price. Just to confirm you are advised to follow this coin after few days and you will understand my point.
I'll show you some more coins in below pictures.

This is a 1 day graph of another Face Coin . How it is again being pumped after being dumped. Look at this in 1 year graph.

You cannot clearly see how coins have been pumped and dumped several times in the course of one year.
There are thousands of such coins. You can see yourself by looking at the chart on coinmarketcap or some other sites.
Beware of fake coins and invest in coins having a strong backup of some reputed personalities or having some sweats features. Thanks.
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I deal on crypto too and don't trust some coins too. They are so many these days

Yep a lot of ponzi schemes in the name of coins out there. So what do you do @chicsman.

I trade mostly wiv Ethereum,ripple nd tron