So, is GULLIBILITY aiding in the division of America?
It's obvious that there must be millions of people that keep "Rag-Mag" types of publications in business, and help to perpetuate the stories; And if you browse through You Tube you will find an entire world of "alternative news" and "conspiracy theorists" that seem to absolutely believe in the garbage they are spreading! Hundreds and hundreds of channels that have followers in the tens of thousands, with subscribers and financial backers; PayPal and Patreon accounts meeting and exceeding their financial goals.
The Alex Jones's of the internet are chasing aliens, secret societies, and satanic cults. Pedogate, Pizzagate, LARPing, Q-Anon, Blood Sacrifices; Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Alt-Alt, Truthers, Flat-Earthers, Red-Pill, Blue-Pill, "Researchers" and "Journalists" all want to show us the light. Rabbit-Holes and Witch-Hunts, people with a certain blood type are "special" and the Queen of England comes from a long line of Reptilians... NASA is lying to us and Hillary eats dead babies... Conservatives, Liberals, Atheists, Christians, Satanists; The "Awakened," The "New-Agers," Spiritualists and Scientists, doesn't matter, they're all pointing fingers at "the Others" as being the most ludicrous, most ridiculous, and of course, most 'WRONG'... All insisting and insinuating outrageous claims, and yet, people follow! People FOLLOW them! They FOLLOW and they give them money.
Is this how we use our critical thinking, and how we spend our money? Is this what we have become?Are we now just mindless FOLLOWERS, like cattle, or SHEEP? Have they succeeded in dumbing us down that much, where we can't even tell the difference anymore between what is REAL and what is FAKE? THIS IS THE FAKE NEWS that we need to beware of...
We need to pay attention to our own common sense and stop being reeled in, hook, line, and sinker, by these so-called Alt-News Journalists. These are the ones that carry their messages out into "The Real World" via all the other social media platforms, yes, even this one! Once it begins to circulate enough, like a viral meme, pretty soon, everyone starts to believe the shit that has been swirling around and spread like wildfire by their own friends and families! I mean hell, if he or she says so, then it MUST BE SO!
There are many out there that are truly providing accurate and meaningful information, but they are drowned out by the masses of false information. It may be a game to many of them, but even then, people believe them! Don't fall into the propaganda traps! Do your own damn research! Don't just accept it because it sounds good! We need to stop the FOLLOWER mentality, that's how CULTS are born!
If you want someone to FOLLOW, look in the mirror!! Be the intelligent, discerning free-thinker that you were born to be! Don't FALL, and don't FOLLOW!