WWBHSA911? — What Would Bill Hicks Say About 9/11?: Part Three — by Hugh Mungus

in fallout •  7 years ago 


"Our so-called leaders speak

With words they try to jail ya'

They subjugate the meek

But it's the rhetoric of failure

We are spirits in the material world"

― The Police *

  • The Police:

When posed with the question where they’d most like to travel, a preponderance of people answer, “Australia.”

Abundant with natural beauty, this continent is gorgeous. Cultures of infinite intrigue reside there. One could spend a lifetime traversing the Land Down Under and be continually captivated.

You couldn’t pay me enough to visit this paradise.

Those so inspired to explore this earthly Eden may respond in similar fashion once they realized the above country is awash in radioactive fallout.

Maralinga. It sounds innocuous enough. The name of an exotic cocktail, or perhaps some dance from a forgotten era? In reality, Maralinga is a remote southwestern region of Australia that — between 1956 and 1963 — found itself under nuclear attack.

“Why would anyone want to bomb, and thereby irradiate, one of Earth’s most sought after vacation destinations?”

You’d have to question Great Britain, since it was their finger on hundreds of nuclear detonations, not solely in Maralinga, but also Australian territories the likes of Emu Fields and the Montebello Islands. Seven hundred subcritical nuclear trials were executed in Australia by the British, while a total of 12 critical tests were conducted. Because prevailing winds carry radioactive fallout, this inundated the entire continent with lethal radionuclides.

Critical explosions measured between one and 27 kilotons; whilst subcritical discharges were less, but still couldn't have been healthy for humanity, nor the environment.

In the wake of this onslaught, Maralinga had been so inundated by noxious particles, it was deemed unfit for human habitation. To the Maralinga Tjarutja ― endemic inhabitants ― this area is home. Cleanup of this expanse was endeavored in 1967 and also 1996, but curiously, the zone still appears deluged with fallout. How can this be, since wrangling radionuclides is as easy as driving a fleet of semis across a bridge made of paper-mache?

None of this even begins to address the radioactivity that ― akin to water through cheesecloth ― escaped to blanket the continent. As asserted by Barry Neyle, ex-navigator for the Royal Australian Air Force during one of the trials at Montebello:

"The cloud from the Operation Hurricane bomb [Britain’s first atomic detonation in Australia] did, in fact, traverse the country […]. Royal New Zealand Air Force aircraft picked up radioactive particles out over the Pacific north of Newcastle that had emanated from the same bomb."

For those not familiar with Australia, the Montebello Islands reside on the west coast of the continent, while Newcastle the east.

Neyle continued, stating:

"We weren’t told that we should perhaps have more showers than usual. We weren’t told that we should refrain from having children for some considerable time, at least twelve months. In actual effect, we were told nothing about what might ensue from having been inside the cloud […]. The government has maintained that there was no hazard to anybody connected with the tests. It’s a lie […]. Most of the country was covered by these radioactive particles."

According to Australian Army Lance Corporal John Hutton, who was present during the Maralinga trials:

"We worked out in the ford area from daylight to dark, twelve hours, sometimes thirteen hours a day, seven days a week. We went around all the time in shorts and boots […]. The parts where we were working in, during the fencing, was all no more than 150 yards away from an atomic bomb which had went off four months earlier."

Major Alan Batchelor ― a Lieutenant in the Australian Army during three tests at Maralinga ― asserts:

"One of the striking things, of course, is the records are missing […]. The Maralinga hospital records have disappeared and nobody wants to say where they are."

By the sickly glow of the overhead lamp, Joel amputated the child’s leg. Feeling sacrilegious, the technician stared down at the cadaver of a two year old.

“Fuckin’ Mother of Christ,” the wiry twig of a man recoiled. Removing a flask from his smock, he attempted to erase the horror of what he was doing.

“Joel Christensen,” he told himself. “You, you son of a bitch, are illegally cutting up a dead child...”

He took a pull off his waning cruet.

“...and the government’s forcin’ ya’.”

Whiskey: the consummate truth serum. It unhitched tongues at Lou’s, where gossip centered around cadavers dismembered without familial consent, and body parts ashed in grotesque government trials. Again, Joel didn’t know details, and that enabled him to slumber two hours per night since he’d taken this job.

“It’s best you don’t know, fool,” he told himself. “Just keep sawin’.” That’s exactly what the distressed man did, averting his gaze from the child who’d perished of bone cancer.

Hedley Marston slumped over his desk. Outside, acrid rain was deluging the continent he called home: Australia. Although his findings were mind-blowing, he could barely keep his eyes open. He’d been awake for three days straight, and even the astonishing conclusions couldn’t stop him from drifting into slumber.

The nocturnal theater within his brain showcased a scene of horror: one in which children throughout his beloved country were ingesting fire, puking blood and contorting into statues of pain. Bones were snapping like brittle sticks. Backs were breaking under the weight of the slightest sneeze. Shrieks of terror emanated from mouths agape to revolting proportions. And then he’d awaken.

The renowned biochemist had begun researching effects of radioactive fallout from British atomic trials in Maralinga during 1955. What he discovered unnerved him to no end. Lack of government response to his results shocked him beyond belief.

Marston concluded levels of iodine-131 — found in livestock, subsequent fission explosions in Australia — were upwards of 5,000 times more than usual. Iodine-131 is a byproduct of atomic detonations. Accumulating in thyroid glands of living creatures ― including humans ― this radionuclide is known to cause cancer.

During the early stages of atomic testing, details of these events were deemed Top Secret not solely by the British government, but also that of the U.S. Hence, information concerning effects of radioactive fallout was kept from the populace.

It was only following 1954 ― when the United States tested a hydrogen bomb nicknamed Castle Bravo in the Pacific Ocean ― that governments were no longer able to conceal the pernicious nature of radioactivity. The ordnance — slated to produce six megatons of force — detonated with more than twice that lethality.

Due to shifting winds and this underestimation, a nearby Japanese fishing vessel ― the Lucky Dragon ― was overcome by radioactive fallout, and its 23 crew members adversely affected. Inhabitants of the contiguous Marshall Islands also fell ill, or suffered burns resultant of the miscalculation. When word of the incident spread worldwide, bureaucracies were unable to hide the atrocities they’d been perpetrating.

During 1956, atomic tests on the Montebello Islands inundated northern Australia with dangerous radioisotopes. Days later, while adjusting a Geiger counter on the eastern coast of the continent, electronics technician Luke Van Houdt discovered astronomically high readings of radiation during a rainstorm.

Upon reporting his findings, the specialist was visited by government agents. Geiger counters, as well as the results, were confiscated. The technician was admonished to never to speak of the incident, as it now resided under purview of the Official Secrets Act.

Around that time, a local prospector registered corresponding readings on his Geiger counter, also. Not being subject to the above legislation, he reported his findings to newspapers, and the story circulated the continent.

Although Hedley Marston’s discoveries validated those of Van Houdt and the miner, the British government refused to acknowledge any danger to the inhabitants of Australia.

Marston was furious. Readings taken from the air within Adelaide ― one of the country’s most populated cities ― registered levels of iodine-131 5,000 times more than expected. All the while, the population was kept in the dark. So, too, were inhabitants of numerous smaller cities between Maralinga and Adelaide. This held true for townships stretching to the east coast of Australia — also in the path of the fallout. Regional newspapers printed lies, assuring the public there was no crisis.

When Hedley vowed to publish readings he’d recorded, he was categorized a counter espionage threat by the government.

Upon completion of his report, Marston concluded heightened levels of iodine-131 would result in increased thyroid cancers across Australia. The biochemist deduced escalated amounts of this radionuclide was indicative of a second isotope ― strontium-90 ― that was now assuredly in the environment.

Strontium-90 — which Hedley claimed was raining down onto foliage eaten by cattle — is known to cause bone cancer. Cows were processing this nuclide, and releasing it into milk humans would drink. Since children are growing, they generate cells more often, and rapidly, than adults. Thus, kids are more prone to cancer caused by radioactivity. When Australia made it mandatory to provide half a pint of milk per day to each child in its school system, it was a recipe for genocide.

Even though Hedley Marston never tested the region for increased levels of strontium-90, he did suggest how to do so; recommending study of human bones ― specifically those of children.

Hence, that’s what the Australian government secretly did for two decades. Unbeknownst to the populace, bones of over 21,000 deceased bodies ― mostly kids ― were tested for strontium-90 and turned to ash, while families of cadavers were never made aware of this barbarism.

Results corroborated what Marston had speculated: The people of Australia were saturated with strontium-90. Infants exhibited upwards of five times more of this radionuclide than adults.

  1. Twenty distinguished scientists at the Conference on Science and World Affairs determined levels of strontium-90 within the environment were sufficient enough to contaminate all of humanity. Marston’s hypothesis was confirmed, although this went unnoticed by the public. Had you been alerted of such horror in high school history class? No. And that’s the path of inaction that will be taken with subsequent generations. The school system: As useless as an appendix.

In 1959, even after Britain fleetingly ceased its atomic weapons tests, strontium-90 levels in Australia increased by 50%. This escalation was resultant of nuclear trials by the U.S. and Soviet Union, causing fallout to rain over the planet.

As if conducting tests wasn’t virulent enough, the British military insisted its own troops crawl, run and walk through regions contaminated by trials, simply to see what would happen to these soldiers.

Although increases in leukemia were being reported across the planet in the early 1960s, countries continued atmospheric testing. By 1962, Earth was being barraged by one nuclear explosion every seven days.

Landowners at Maralinga ― where fallout had allegedly been cleaned up ― suffered blindness and severe abscesses. Soldiers involved in testing reported similar afflictions. A 1999 analysis — on behalf of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association — revealed 30% of servicemen associated with trials had died of cancer. Alan Parkinson ― head of the 1996 Maralinga mop-up ― claims efforts to dispose of fallout were inadequate. Instead of removing contaminated matter, radioactive waste was buried under the soil. Parkinson asserts:

"What was done at Maralinga was a cheap and nasty solution that wouldn’t be adopted on white fellas’ land."

Ironically, uranium used to create the atomic explosions that irradiated Australia was produced in the Land Down Under.



Arnold, Lorna. Britain, Australia and the Bomb: The Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath. (2006). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 1403921024

Online Movies:

Silent Storm:


"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."

— Mark Twain *

  • Mark Twain:


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later; the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense." **

** Orwell, George. (1950). 1984. Signet Classic. ISBN: 0451524934

The man's brain was being squeezed dry like a packed zit between the fumbling fingers of a peer-pressured, narcissistic teen. Gasping for breath, he attempted to loosen his collar, but instead his fuckin' head exploded. It was that once-feared, now-funny scene from the 1980s horror movie Scanners, currently playing out at a school near you. ***

*** Scanners:

Every day, malleable minds are molded by the malevolent. Every day, kids are taught America actually exists, and is a territory brimming with morality. Every day, students are told the events of September 11, 2001, occurred the way the government informs us they did. Every day, children are led to believe George Washington was a tremendous individual we must admire. Every day, kids in schools — more aptly known as propaganda factories — are told lies. Such untruths are promulgated by the very teachers parents entrust with their children's education.

In reality, America doesn't exist; no country does, even if you are stupid enough to believe in imaginary boundaries the Earth fails to recognize, and none of us can see. 9/11 was an obvious inside job; concluding differently means accepting the laws of physics didn't apply on that day. George Washington owned hundreds of slaves, and we all know those who claim to own people are psychopaths; i.e. not individuals to be revered. As George Carlin perceptively stated:

"This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us that all men are created equal. That is what's known as being stunningly, stunningly full of shit!" ****

**** George Carlin:

Yet, good luck finding a single teacher, let alone an entire school, informing students — brainwashing victims — of the above facts.

"What'd you learn in school today, Sarah?"

"Well, Mr. Davis showed us that America isn't real, and we're crazy if we think it is; something called 9/11 — where 3,000 people died — was done by our own government; and George Washington was an asshole….Mommy, what's an asshole?"

Following the above exchange, Mr. Davis would be unemployed within 24 hours, solely for teaching the truth.

Brainwashing facilities — where many of you send your children — invariably indoctrinate their victims into believing the above three lies, and so many more. If they didn't, they'd be closed up faster than a doughnut shop selling Ebola-filled sweets. Why deceive yourself concerning a false "freedom of speech" privilege? You, teachers and schools have the freedom to speak what government tells you, and nothing more.

Into this predetermined witches' brew is added the latest, anything-but-greatest ingredient: Common Core.

Chances are you've heard the above phrase. Then again, since the government continues to change the name of the aforementioned evil directive — in order to hide it, or make it more appealing to the public — you may have been up to your neck in Common Core, and not aware of it. This nefarious ploy is the most recent attempt by the U.S. bureaucracy to brainwash its populace — specifically its children.

According to Brad McQueen — author of The Cult of Common Core: Obama's Final Solution for Your Child's Mind and Our Country's Exceptionalism — Common Core is a cult:

"It is much bigger than just a set of standards, a test, or a data gathering machine. I thought about calling it a virus. Like a virus, the Common Core tricks its victims into lowering their guard by pretending to be something it is not. But the Common Core isn't just a mindless infection of our society; rather it is an intentional takeover of […] our children's minds."

McQueen has been a public school teacher for the past 10 years, and was proselytized into the Common Core cult for a brief period during 2013. Thus, Brad has an insider's perspective of what this maniacal, mendacious system is all about. According to McQueen:

"while you were busy working, playing, parenting, dealing with health issues, mid-life crises, being told you could keep your health care as you lost your health care, as you watched your house value go underwater, as you watched the news about the IRS targeting, gun running, NSA snooping, as you watched yet another child pop idol crash and burn, [...] control over your children's minds has been in the cross-hairs of a sucking, slithering, tentacled leviathan."

Whilst behind enemy lines of Common Core — in Chicago, helping to prepare one of its tests — Brad attempted to uncover answers concerning this pervasive monstrosity. It was there McQueen asked a myriad of questions about C-squared, and received the following reply from those indoctrinating him into the system:

"We don't ever care what the kids' opinions are. If they write what they think or put forth their opinion, then they will fail the test."

Those attempting to bring Brad into the fold made it clear independent thought from students won't be tolerated. Formulating one's own beliefs, they asserted:

"is the old way of writing. We want students to repeat the opinions of the experts' that we expose them to on the test. This is the 'new' way of writing with the Common Core."

Brad likened this system of brainwashing to the creepy clown in the Stephen King movie It, luring the gullible into the storm drain with balloons, and a promise of pleasure. When within reach, however, the clown's face transforms, exposing switchblade-sharp teeth and demon claws, that pull the credulous to their deaths below the streets. These ignorant victims are obviously the students exposed to Common Core. That said, fatalities can also be parents, as well as teachers unaware of the depraved disposition of this system, as it snakes its slimy body through schools across this imaginary region known as America.

So, who controls the head of the hydra; who created C-squared, and is letting it run loose amongst the young?

Government is once again to blame for this blatant effort to create a society replete with mind-numbed robots — in the form of humans — unable to think for themselves, subservient to the bureaucracy. As usual, in this blue pill paradigm, money rears its ugly cranium — as states are bribed by the federal regime into accepting Common Core.

"All you have to do is sign away the minds of your students, and we'll bequeath you billions of dollars."

Does the term "selling one's soul" come to mind?

Like a scene from a trite Mafia movie, teachers are threatened with the promise of unemployment, if they promote anything outside the curricula of the Common Core. It's basic strong arm tactics here; nothing new nor innovative — two attributes of which governments are devoid. But then why should we expect originality, or anything more than coercive strategies, since governments are the original Mafias?

As McQueen explains:

"The Common Core master planners could decide that global warming is man caused in the articles presented on the test. Kids better repeat that belief in their essays or they will fail. If students fail, teachers will be held accountable financially and professionally.

Therefore many teachers, being the good government bureaucrats they are, will teach to the test and ensure that kids learn not to think for themselves again. The truly good teachers with conscience will either retire or change professions.

I began to imagine an administration coming to power that uses centrally controlled education to pour their political position, rather than factual content with multiple views, into the country's education system through federally approved and aligned textbooks. Teacher's online grade books and lesson plans would be monitored to ensure compliance with the administration's positions in science and history. Kids who dared to have their own viewpoint rather than repeating the 'experts' in the textbooks would be punished academically to be more in line with an administration's views."

It's obvious the slimy strategy Brad fears in that last paragraph has been a tactic employed by every government throughout recorded history. When other non-existent countries murder individuals inhabiting land they covet, it's evil. When the fictitious dominion called America does it, it's exalted as "manifest destiny."

Mr. McQueen refers to Common Core as the "Obamacare of education." Akin to this bogus healthcare mandate, C-squared was furtively written by the government, and enacted covertly, so the population would be ignorant of its specifics, and in many cases, its implementation. Both directives provide the federal government far more control over its populace.

Obamacare, as well as Common Core, affords the U.S. hegemony — which is obviously no more than an amalgamation of corporations — access to warehouses of personal information regarding us all. Common Core and Obamacare were only able to gain hold after the government bribed individual states to institute them. These corporations — many refer to as the federal bureaucracy — who run the Common Core scam, are the only entities who will benefit from its enactment.

As previously declared, of the states who've accepted Common Core, many refer to it by more palatable monikers, in order to keep the public ignorant and off their backs. Typically, the term College Ready is substituted for the title Common Core. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Yeah, so did the death bell when it signaled beheadings.

The Arizona College and Career Ready Standards is the sobriquet for the C-squared cult in the Grand Canyon State. Sounds delicious and innocuous, doesn't it? Currently, the majority of the population is so dumbed down, Kool-Aid could market a "Jonestown" flavor, and the public would consume it. *****

***** Jonestown:


For those pedagogues who excel at disseminating the propaganda, riches await! You've seen teacher of the year awards. They're typically bequeathed to those who oppose the government least, if at all, do as they're told and brainwash more pupils than their peers. These conduits for indoctrination are often rewarded monetary bonuses and accolades.

Prior to Common Core, states were allowed — via the U.S. Constitution — to determine the standards of brainwashing for their students. Now, the federal government has taken this power out of their hands.

With Common Core, government — also referred to as the corporatocracy — can access information regarding your children without your authorization. As such, marketing strategies can now be molded around the most intimate details your progeny possess — all in secret — via what's known as longitudinal data systems. This method of data mining allows anyone with enough money to track your child's particulars, from his or her formative brainwashing, through their entire sentence of slavery — known as a career. ******

****** Longitudinal Data System:


Since teachers are inextricably linked to their students via Common Core, should a kid not be conforming to government protocol, their professor can also be punished. This introduces added incentive to remain servile.

"Kiss our asses and do what we demand, or lose your income; a.k.a. your source of survival."

As confirmed by Brad McQueen:

"State governors sold off state sovereignty over education to the feds for 30 pieces of silver. They then made the promised changes to their states' education policies using their governor-appointed state boards of education, rather than putting it to the vote in their state legislatures. Why involve the citizenry when they may not make the correct choice for their own children?"

Common Core math is so insane, it requires a person take literal minutes to solve simple equations the likes of 134 minus 52. *******

******* Common Core Math:

Imagine all you've ever learned — regarding math — was the Common Core technique.

Now imagine you were the head of a nuclear power plant, facing a meltdown, should you be unable to figure out a few equations within a very short period of time. Pun intended, but if you didn't have a calculator handy, you can't do the math on this one, and would be more fucked than soft palms in prison.

The above said, let's face it: Education is to schooling what spirituality is to religion.

Not a goddamned thing.

Education is about learning, where schooling is about control. Spirituality is about growth, where religion is about control. Education has nothing to do with schooling, and spirituality nothing to do with religion.

If you're practicing a religion, you're stunting your spirituality. By going to school, you're extinguishing your education.

Of course you don't believe me. Why would you? "You're not a teacher," you cry. "You're a loser author."

I implore you, don't take my word for it. Rather, listen to what John Taylor Gatto — winner of the New York City and New York State Teacher of the Year awards — says in regard to schooling:

"School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned. I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know."

Gatto didn't just speak the above; he wrote it in his book Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. This tome is to students what Smedley Darlington Butler's War is a Racket is to soldiers. ******** Anybody considering enrolling in school would most likely decline to do so after poring over Dumbing Us Down. Anyone contemplating signing a military contract would almost assuredly cease from such upon reading War is a Racket.

******** Butler, Smedley D. (2003). War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier. Feral House. ISBN: 0922915865

Any parent who cared about their kid would never send them to school after researching Dumbing Us Down. Similarly, no parent who loved their child would allow them to enlist in the military after perusing War is a Racket.

If both books, respectively, were mandatory reading for anyone considering schooling or military service, schools would be empty and the armed forces devoid of soldiers. Nobody would sign up for these scams, if they knew the truth about them.

Gatto writes:

"I've noticed a fascinating phenomenon in my thirty years of teaching: schools and schooling are increasingly irrelevant to the great enterprises of the planet. No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or poets in English classes. The truth is that schools don't really teach anything except how to obey orders. […]

[T]he institution is psychopathic — it has no conscience. It rings a bell and the young man in the middle of writing a poem must close his notebook and move to a different cell where he must memorize that humans and monkeys derive from a common ancestor. […]

Our form of compulsory schooling is an invention of the State of Massachusetts around 1850. It was resisted — sometimes with guns — by an estimated eighty percent of the Massachusetts population, the last outpost in Barnstable on Cape Cod not surrendering its children until the 1880s, when the area was seized by militia and children marched to school under guard."

Gatto reiterates what was previously promulgated:

"[T]he school institution 'schools' very well, though it does not 'educate' — that's inherent in the design of the thing.

It's just impossible for education and schooling ever to be the same thing. […] Schools are intended to produce, through the application of formulas, formulaic human beings whose behavior can be predicted and controlled. […]

Well-schooled people are irrelevant. They can sell film and razor blades, push paper and talk on telephones, or sit mindlessly before a flickering computer terminal, but as human beings they are useless. Useless to others and useless to themselves."

John Taylor Gatto purports education is derived via life experiences, and not some institution — like schooling — which is forced incarceration. How many times have you realized you can't recall 99 percent of the brainwashing you endured in school? Lessons learned from personal exploration and travel, on the other hand, are remembered your entire life.

Is this imprisonment of our minds, as well as our bodies, by design? If such be the case, who owns the prison, and what's their goal?

Take a step back, and look at the larger picture. The answers become painfully obvious.

First off, yes, our incarceration via school has been carefully carried out. Innumerable commercials, advertisements and public endorsements promulgating what schooling will do for you. ********* That drumbeat drilling into our psyche the necessity to stay in school so we can obtain a high-paying job. The prestige awarded the most expensive of these institutions, the lack of reverence provided discount schools, and the abject disdain surrounding "dropping out."

********* Stay in School commercial:

Ever notice how much more credibility one is afforded when they have some stupid acronym — like Ph.D. — following their name?

So, yes, the duplicity of schooling is deliberate.

As is the case with so many other corrupt institutions, government is behind this one, as well. Proof can be found in the objectives of school: To create obedient, mindless workers willing to carry out useless tasks and perpetuate this system for the monetarily affluent.

Schooling obviously has nothing to do with acquiring knowledge beneficial to humanity, as opposed to accumulating cash. Little mind is paid that — upon graduation — the "student" isn't one iota smarter about his position in this Universe than when he or she began school. What of the fact his career involves creation of nuclear fission — the waste from which humanity currently has no long-term storage solution? Perhaps the pupil is now well-schooled in overseeing the operation of an oil refinery — which is raping the planet, and causing countless cases of cancer.

As John Taylor Gatto affirms:

"School, as it was built, is an essential support system for a model of social engineering that condemns most people to be subordinate stones in a pyramid that narrows as it ascends to a terminal of control. School is an artifice that makes such a pyramidical social order seem inevitable."

Moreover, school preempts:

"fifty percent of the total time of the young, by locking young people up with other young people exactly their own age, by ringing bells to start and stop work, by asking people to think about the same thing at the same time in the same way, by grading people the way we grade vegetables — and in a dozen other vile and stupid ways — network schools steal the vitality of communities and replace it with an ugly mechanism. No one survives these places with their humanity intact, not kids, not teachers, not administrators, and not parents." **********

********** Gatto, John Taylor. (2005). Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. New Society Publishers. ISBN: 0865714487

As if being present in school didn't constitute enough of a prison sentence, confinement continues on a student's home turf, with coercion to complete homework. Captivity is unrelenting. According to Gatto:

"[t]wo institutions at present control our children's lives: television and schooling, in that order. Both of these reduce the real world of wisdom, fortitude, temperance and justice to a never-ending, nonstop abstraction."

Consider the following, which Gatto lucidly detailed:

"Out of the 168 hours in each week my children sleep 56. That leaves them 112 hours a week out of which to fashion a self.

According to recent reports, children watch 55 hours of television a week. That then leaves them 57 hours a week in which to grow up.

My children attend school 30 hours a week, use about eight hours getting ready for and traveling to and from school, and spend an average of seven hours a week in homework — a total of 45 hours. During that time they are under constant surveillance. They have no private time or private space and are disciplined if they try to assert individuality in the use of time or space. That leaves them 12 hours a week out of which to create a unique consciousness. Of course my kids eat, too, and that takes some time […] [I]f we allot three hours a week to evening meals, we arrive at a net amount of private time for each child of nine hours per week.

It's not enough, is it?"

John Taylor Gatto concludes we need less school, not more. In addition, Gatto has determined kids can proficiently learn to read and write with roughly 100 hours of effort.

As such, I contend humans on this planet don't require less school, as opposed to no school.

Do people need to educate themselves?

Absolutely. But recall, schooling and education are two different things.

With a desire to communicate, people will teach themselves to read and write. Hence, the rest of the curricula imparted in schools is no more than propaganda, and preparation for servitude.

After being coerced to attend school for 12 years, she emerges from her sentence, perfectly molded to take her place at the bottom of the pyramid. From that prison cell, she performs for the psychopathic elite, doing her part to preserve the monetary system — which keeps her enslaved until death.

Thus, whether Common Core, or traditional schooling, it's a network designed to imprison our species on Earth.

To quote George Carlin:

"Here's a bumper sticker I'd like to see: […] 'We are the proud parents of a child who has resisted his teachers' attempts to break his spirit, and bend him to the will of his corporate masters.' " ***********

*********** George Carlin:



Butler, Smedley D. (2003). War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier. Feral House. ISBN: 0922915865

Gatto, John Taylor. (2005). Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. New Society Publishers. ISBN: 0865714487

McQueen, Brad. (2014). The Cult of Common Core: Obama's Final Solution for Your Child's Mind and Our Country's Exceptionalism. CreateSpace. ISBN: 1497456045

Orwell, George. (1950). 1984. Signet Classic. ISBN: 0451524934

Online Movies:


The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]

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