Fallout 76 - Moving Upwards.

in fallout76 •  6 years ago 

Mopping up Challenges.

I am now well on my way to reaching level 200, currently sat at around 183. As I have completed the game, most of the side missions all that is left to do is to start mopping up challenges.

Each one of these will earn my Atoms to spend in the Atomic Shop, some of the challenges I am completing at the moment are quite laborious, for instance: "Destroy 1100 Robots with a Hammer" There are a few of these, some I have completed but this is sheer willpower to sit there and hunt down the pesky robots and destroy them with the applicable weapon.

I have however found a great spawning point in the White Springs where they just keep coming so it's just a case of spending a few hours here to tick off the boxes.

Hopefully, Bethesda will bring out some more new missions and challenges so that the game still carries more depth.

Thanks for reading.

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