Our society is dominated by truisms that everyone agrees on yet are obviously false.

in false •  2 years ago 


For example: climate change making the world worse, the middle class is getting poorer, and that "representation matters" -- the notion that characters must look and sound like certain politically-active groups for those groups to be inspired by them.

The premise behind representation matters is that if your ancestors were oppressed, you have a racial/genetic predisposition to low self-esteem, and will not be inspired to achieve anything in life unless you see people who look and act like you in media.

This is obviously false!

First, everyone's ancestors were oppressed -- the descendants we have today are the ones who were strong enough to overcome it.

Second, I grew up reading classic science fiction that didn't obsess with the ethnicity or sexual habits of its characters yet I didn't have any problem imagining myself the hero of those stories.

Later, I was obsessed with anime, but I never thought "well, I obviously can't be a samurai/space ranger/superhero just because I'm not Japanese."

Also, of course, something like 85% of my favorite musicians don't "represent" me in the way everyone seems to care about. That's been true since I was a little kid.

And many of the characters I admired on TV growing up and who played any role inspiring the way I think didn't look like me either. Hell, a lot of them weren't even human.

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