911 mirrored subliminally in new Shooting at Ocala Florida - '17' mentioned repeatedly & in Bizarre ways

in falseflags •  7 years ago  (edited)

Is it just a coincidence that on a day that just happens to have great occult significance to the Pedo-cracy - [A Ritual and Sacrifice day] - another shooting 'Crisis' occurs? AP photographers were on site at the scene even as the children were marched out of the building with Hands over head. [??] And the numbers: 19 and 17 were repeated (twice in Bizarre ways) in the media. The media also pointed out that it was the anniversary of Columbine -while simultaneously the deeply occult number (sometimes mirrored) of 9-11 was subliminally all over the place. I've included screen shots to show this. If you'll recall Trump has mentioned the number 17 numerous times over the last month as has Q-anon. And as I pointed out in another post here:


The letter (in link above) sent to Director WRAY specifically states there are 17 KEY Witnesses to criminal acts - which number includes some of Clinton's closest aides. (see snip of the Letter 2nd picture down this page). Yahoo naturally comes up with exactly 19 photos of the ensuing "Panic and Fear" and lists the picture numbers as a slide show so that it reads like a mirrored 9/11. (like so: 1/19 see screen shot).

In the Article they list the number 17 three times. They also list the number 19 three times. There are 3 slightly more subtle plus the mirrored references to 911. [ To understand just some of the extensive OCCULT SIGNIFICANCE of the number 9/11 and WHY these sickos use this number constantly - see my very first post here: ]



here is the excerpt from the letter to Director WRAY showing the reference to 17 KEY witnesses:


In the first mentioned steemit post regarding the letter [ first link above ]
I asked: Is it possible that the 17 murdered children (and the additional 17 injured) at Parkland were really intended as sacrificial victims for these 17 Witnesses to Clinton crimes? Well if you didn't know this already, Dark ritual practitioners often use the Repetition of a spell said 3 times or 3 x 3. Repeating a thing 3 times is a very OLD occult ritual spell practice.

Not to be outdone other mainstream media has parroted this 17 repetition as well - as I show in still more screenshots.
Just in case you are thinking this is a stretch ask yourself WHY would the MSM feel the need to point out the number 17 in two instances which seem particularly bizarre to me as far as connecting the number 17 to the mentions. (The length of the shotgun barrel being 17.5 inches long ?? REALLY?! and the fact that 17 other schools also were participating. Why the need to narrow a nationwide event to this number... ??) The second article also brings up the number 13 three times. Once it is hidden as a 12 plus ONE.

Here are the screen shots of both articles.

First article:

Note that Roman numeral X X or (20) is a shorthand way of writing 9/11. [ Because 20 is 1 + 19.] Another reason to use 20 or XX is because it's another way of saying: DOUBLE CROSS! X X = Double Cross. Just as X and + is another way of saying that. (That's seen in the sigil for CHI-RHO or CAIRO hence the Dagger which looks like a P through the X just like the double crossing Jesuit Order does it who also by the way place an I X X I on the Rings they wear! See photo at bottom of page.) Roman numeral I X X I is 911. 99 is another shorthand way of writing 911. [ 9 x 11 = 99 ]. K-9 [instead of CANINE] is another way to write 911.
19 was a number significant in the Las Vegas shooting as well. Also the number 19 was mentioned on T.V. on April 19 specifically by Megyn Kelly in relation to Sandy Hook speaking to parent of 1 child when stating there were 19 other child victims. (20 total child victims or 1 + 19)


Second Article:





=========JUST COINCIDENCE???=========

here's a JESUIT RING with the Double Cross as a Roman Numeral 911 on it I X X I:


Jesuit ring showing that the KEY is the DOUBLE CROSS!


...and double CROSS is just a SIGIL of Baphomet and sigil of Saturn

seal of saturn on occul 101.JPG

How they came up with SIGIL of Saturn [the CUBE KABBAH of Saturn!]

seal of saturn on magic square.JPG

[The above is the MAGIC SQUARE of Saturn note any direction adds to 15?]
That's why Jade Helm 15 15 was supposed to be a CURSE over us.
It was the SATURN EL IA (A.I. of EL) Saturnalia - "master the HUMAN domain" the FAILED attempted beginning of SKY NET. the control over Human thought by A.I. using the Military. (Our Military would NOT go for it.)
15 15 is another way to write IS IS or ISIS. Which is really the Sigil of two Dollar signs (a snake over a Human Femur)
or: $ $. !! They worship ISIS and EL (Saturn) and the Black Cube of Saturn which is an ancient Artificial Intelligence.

And a Jesuit Ring showing a SINGLE X which shows a 20 on the side
or...XX which is double cross and also 1+19. They love this shit. Note that a BLACK X is another secret way of saying BLACK CUBE. See the CUBE diagrams below this which translate into Pyramids, Star of David, 9 11, and Masonic

symbols (SIGILS) are magical signs used to CURSE people.


even the Jade Helm 15 15 logo itself was actually a Roman Numeral 9 or 11 as well as a Sigil of Saturn.
Also called SOLOMON'S SEAL - which is a curse. Jade helm was the name of a computer algorithm by the way.
And was intended by Obama and UN Troops to start Martial Law. Failed.jade-helm2.png

The CHI-RHO [ Cairo ] as a seal of Saturn SIGIL

chi-rho-as-seal of saturn.jpg

Progression of CUBE to Star of David / Sigil of Saturn /Solomon Masonic Compass and Square and Double Cross or 9-11 I X X I


CUBE as 911.jpg

CUBE as 911 and as Masonic Pillars and Pyramid.jpg

CUBE as 911 and as Masonic Pillars.jpg



NOTE: The window openings ALL have the DOUBLE CROSS or 8 sided Star?

This is also present in ALL traditional Courtrooms on the windows or between the Bench where the Judge sits and the gallery where visitors sit. DOUBLE CROSS. A double cross is also a SIGIL of SOLOMON or Seal of Solomon.
SOL = SUN o MON = Moon. Also called Seal of Saturn. Every single Star of David on a STANDARD hung Israeli Flag like those shown here exhibits a VERY CLEAR I X X I or Roman Numeral 9/11



Notice how TALL they make the two side bars when hanging the Israeli Flag as a "standard" ?? This is NEVER done with any other flag. By doing this they make the TWO BLUE BARS very tall - like TWIN TOWERS!! They are the twin Columns of Cabal: Jachin and Boaz. Judgement and Severity.


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