10 minute China concentration camps&organ harvest Tribunal summary

in falungong •  5 years ago  (edited)

Here is a short 10 minute summary of the over 500 page, 2 year, China Tribunal hearing over the forced organ harvesting and concentration camps in China targetting mostly Falun Gong, but also Uigur.
During this 2 year hearings, China was presented sufficient opportunity to present its version of story and make counter claims in the hearing, though Chinese representatives never showed up, despite being invited.

For all of the reports, see on the website below:

  • Dont buy products made in China, you have no way of knowing if they are made in a concentration camp, no matter where the company is from
  • Dont travel to China for organ transplant
  • Spread information about this issue, talk with your local representatives about your concern about this issue, and how many Falun Gong even in Europe are being rejected refugee status and sent back to their doom to China.
  • Ask your friends and family to not buy made in China.
  • Keep Steem decentralized. Don't let Chinese stakeholders affect our freedom of speech as it did with reddit. Vote for 30 real witnesses, that are not @justinsteemit 's fake witnesses running Steem 22.5, or vote a proxy that you trust.
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When we ask 'What is the world coming to?' we can look at China and see the answer. This is the future the Atlantic Council, the EU, the CFR, Bilderberg, and globalists have in mind for us. The SARS2 pandemic is the proximate cause for the imposition of draconian social controls globally. Starting in China, everywhere the virus spreads the people have been completely stopped from traveling, shopping, working, or any kind of interaction with other people except through ubiquitous government checkpoints. People are taken from their homes, off the streets, or anywhere by armed police to fates unknown. There are no official statements on what happens to those individuals, and for all we know they are dead, mined for their organs.

Italy is locked down. Will it be the next organ transplant haven? Will the travel controls ever be rolled back?

In response to SARS2 pandemic the governments of the world are becoming China, and we are being turned into Falun Gong.


We need to add 3 more to the list of those who do exactly the same to their own people of minorities and to people under their occupation: Turkey, Israel and the USA, and this is based more on proven continuous crimes.

Posted using Partiko Android

only 3? usa, turkey, israel? you count only countries, which have problems with syria. what about nordkorea, venezuela,pakistan, india, syria, irak, egypt....

here you got a list from amnest international:

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

errr why syria? and there is already an embargo on syria though i think putting the embargo on usa, venezuela india usa israel turkey would do more good, while on syria its just wrong. check out @arabisouri 's articles, there have been a lot of lies about syria in western media. for example the douma attack was staged by white helmets and even the opcw only found clorine (which any terrorist group has access to) which they claimed was evidence for chemical attack, but its not a nerve toxins as they claimed in the videos and even early german media said its not real

meanwhile NATO is actually funding terrorists like FSA (killing kurds and non muslims) to fight assad....
for northern africa it would be a great start if EU did not support them for containing refugees, and finally open borders.
we already sanctioned the shit out of northkorea.

but china is actually doing concentration camps and we still trade with them as if nothing is happening for the past 20 years. as a german i feel very uncomfortable about this. i thought we would never let those attrocities happen again?

i looked over the amnesty death penalty report and it was such a wuz about china. it mostly ignored china saying its greater than 1000 on nonjudicial killing. they did not even mention organ harvest or falun gong. i lost my faith in amnesty international.

Thanks @maxsieg for pointing out some of the countries. Actually, if @thales7 read properly I said crimes against their people and against people under their occupation: the USA has a high rate of directly killing their black people and also their 'colored' in addition to have the highest incarceration rate in the world then add to it what they do to people under their occupation in both Afghanistan and Iraq, what they did in Somalia and what they're doing to Yemen, plus in northeast Syria and how they helped ISIS and other branches of the FSA like Nusra Front.

Then comes Israel, which is not a country but a state, not only having problems with Syria, what about the 5 million Palestinians living there and 4 millions expelled from their land since 1948, plus their multiple aggression and invasion against Lebanon, plus the Syrian Golan, then how do they treat the Jewish Falasha they brought from Ethiopia? Even Netanyahu put one of them as a sacrifice sheep for Hezb Allah to bomb so they can say that Hezb retaliated already to the Israeli illegal bombing in Syria and Beirut that killed two Hezb Allah members at their home in Syria.

Then comes Turkey, lest we forget the ruthless bombing of their own Kurds for over 40 years, Turkey is the first country in the world in jailing journalists, Erdogan fired over 140,000 employees in one day he claimed they were part of the military coup! And then their invasion and occupation of parts of Syria.

Crimes by other countries are microscopic in comparison with the crimes of these two countries and one state.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

keep in mind that they transplanted organs from falun gong at a rate of over 60 000 organs per year for decades. even in the early 2000s the estimates were in the thousands of organs. and these are only the organ transplants, not counting the organs and people used for chinese medical experiments. in the 90s when the Falun gong religion was a popular religion there were between 70 and 100 million falun gong. China sure makes it on the list along side with northkorea turkey and israel for crimes against their own people, depending if you count palestinians to be israeli or palestinian separate state. but then we forgot to mention the crimes cameroon does against anglophone cameroonians, and mianmar against rohingas. all a considerable percentage of population.

india against its muslims makes it on the list. the new citizenship law will affect mostly muslims, and even indian muslims will become stateless since there is no 1 identity document to proof they are indian, meaning in indian beaucracy they will become effectively stateless