Chronicles of Alan: The Wild, Wild, West - by @awgbibb

in family •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was just thinking what a hard time Methuselah must have had , regaling People with tales of his Youth!

When I was about 18-19 years of Age , I went to a party at a house in Florida .

An excessively Pretty Young Lady came up to me and asked if she could hang around with me ?, as there was a Drunk fellow bothering her?

No I did not give her a thorough whipping ,and chase her away! I rather enjoyed her Company ( till the end of the party) My Aunt Lorraine had a Photo of this Girl( I cannot for the life of me ,remember her name?) and myself dancing at this party, on her wall, till the Day she Died.

This Photo is looking East out of the Front Door at Sage Street.


As the Party ended , I met the Drunk Guy, Jimmy, who I had been to School with plus , a couple of known hard cases with him.

Jimmy took a swing at me , caught me on the jaw, ( hardly felt it) and it hit the Girl who went straight down to the floor !

Shoved Jimmy, really hard , went flying across the room into the wall , and I picked up the Girl from the Floor.

The Guy's with Jimmy asked me not to hit him ( as he was drunk) said I wouldn't. However , the evil Plot thickens!

Jimmy was engaged to her ,and she was annoyed with him because of his behaviour?,

hence the not quite Knight in Shining Armour to the rescue!

The reason for the Real Estate pictures will become apparent ,shortly!

View to the West from Sage Street Front Door.


Anyhow Jimmy must have spoken to some Guy's who were supposed to be the toughest Blokes in town , I was receiving thinly veiled threats, and friends warning me about the impending "Personal Ragnarok".

Asked My Dad if I could have a House Party, he agrees, everyone is invited!

Even one of the Hard Cases I was supposedly receiving threats from came and asked if he could come? " Sure why not?"

A heavy set Guy called Spaghetti rocked up, I knew of him , he was a Boxer, and had been to a couple of house parties and beat up the owner's!

Two Guy's started a fight, My Dad came out of his Room ( at the end of the passage ) with a matched pair of curved knives, invited them into the front yard:-

Why waste your time with fists?, use these , just remember, whoever survives is to take all the pieces out of my yard, and of course , return my knives in the condition you loaned them in!"

Strangely enough , the fight was put on hold?, the fellows who had been threatening me , felt that this was an extremely good time to let bygones be bygones.

My Dad went back to his room, closed the Door ( loudly)

This was the signal for our very own local Super Hero, "The Pasta Avenger" ( best I could come up with if your name is Spaghetti) to fly into action!

Down the passage he goes , banging on the bottom door. I say, "Spaghetti, My Dad is in a really bad mood, come away."

Stupidly , he responds with "F... your Dad ." The Door Fly's open , a fist comes out rapidly, Spaghetti, lifts off the floor and his head hits the wall!

I did sort of rub it in a bit ," I did warn you he was in a bad mood?" He came down that passage on his hands and knees, and half fell down the stairs to the front yard!

The Long Crawl of Shame!


A Part of the Lounge where the Party was held.


I am not sure if the below advice would have been of any use ?, some people seem to enjoy pain ?, just not their own!

Do not try to break this wall down with your Head!


Needless to say , I never had another House Party there, Not sure if anyone would have come?

My Dad was an Electrical Engineer , he and his Brothers had grown up right on the border of District 6 in Cape Town .

A perfect Gentleman, but not one to look for trouble with, and his son's ( all three of us ) would not exactly run from trouble.

Hope I have not bored you with another small life excerpt?

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you not bored me :)
An interesting story and you even did some graphics. nice post :0

all I can say is, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)

Thanks for share.

Is great history, I love it.

Wonderful family my dear friends

Nope, you have entertained the shit out of me! "No I did not give her a thorough whipping ,and chase her away! "
I laughed out loud at that one.

BEST of WORKOUT and AMAZING Fitness Moments5-1-225x300.jpg

Nah you did not bore me
Quite interesting story I must say
Your Dad is actually a funny man

Great one @africaunited l really enjoy your stories.keep writing,waiting lessons here

I was missing these stories :)

Nyc Clicks

Wonderfully written story my Friend.

nice post